
dà chē
  • cart;dray
大车 [dà chē]
  • (1) [cart]

  • (2) 古代乘用的牛车。亦特指大夫所乘之车

  • (3) 泛指牲口拉的两轮或四轮车

  • (4) 亦作大伡。对火车司机或轮船上负责管理机器的人的尊称

大车[dà chē]
  1. 大车哐当哐当地行驶在卵石路上。

    The cart clattered over the cobbles .

  2. 你这辆大车一天能跑几个来回?

    How many round trips can your cart make in a day ?

  3. 他载着一大车干草驶过。

    He drove by with a big load of hay

  4. 大车上高高地堆满了水果和蔬菜。

    The cart was piled high with fruit and vegetables .

  5. 别再装了,大车快散架了。

    Don 't put any more on the cart , or it 'll break .

  6. 大车上的稻草装得冒尖儿了。

    The cart is piled high with straw .

  7. 大车在钢琴的重压下嘎吱作响。

    The cart groaned under the weight of the piano .

  8. 赶大车的人扬鞭朝着马轻轻地抽打。

    The Carter flipped at the horse with his whip .

  9. 现在有些农民已经丢掉大车用上了汽车。

    Some farmers now use trucks instead of carts .

  10. 这个农民用大车运苹果。

    The farmer conveyed apples in a cart .

  11. 车夫装了一大车干草。

    The driver heaped a cart with hay .

  12. 大车在路上辘辘作响。

    The cart rumbled along the road .

  13. 卡车装不下,格外找了一辆大车。

    As the truck couldn 't hold all the goods , an additional cart was ordered .

  14. 把大车磨过来。

    Turn the cart round .

  15. 大车费力地前进。

    The carts lumbered along .

  16. 所有的农场工人不得不去把一袋袋的饲料从大车上卸下来。

    All the farm workers had to help to haul the bags of cattle food down from the cart .

  17. 他想让邻居们知道他开了一辆大车回家。

    He wanted to show his neighbours that he could ride home in a big car .

  18. 农用大车在乡间小路上磨出了车辙

    The farm carts have worn ruts in the lane .

  19. 农夫在将牛套上大车之前先给它们套上轭。

    The farmer yoked the oxen before hitching them to the wagon .

  20. 两匹骡子拉这辆大车。

    The cart was pulled by two mules .

  21. 基于MeanShift的大车车型分类特征提取

    Big Vehicle Classification Features Extraction Based on Mean Shift

  22. 基于模糊PID控制器的门式起重机大车定位控制系统研究

    Accurate orientation control system of the cart of gantry crane based on fuzzy-PID controller

  23. 本文对冰染料合成龙胶、DFPP&104胶、合成海藻胶C作了物理、化学性能,稳定性,印制得色量及大车与小样试验的对比。

    This study concerns the physical and chemical properties of synthetic tragacanth , DF PP-104 gum and syn-thetic algin C , focusing on their stability and colour yield of printing .

  24. PLC系统采用SIEMENS公司产品,能控制起重机大车、小车的运行方向和速度换档;

    PLC system adopts the SIEMENS Company products , can control the crane cart , car operation direction and change speed ;

  25. 本文介绍了塔机加装夹轨器后的大车运行控制技术要求和PLC控制系统的硬件和软件设计。

    This paper introduces the control technique requirement of the tower crane operation when the tower crane installed Rail clamping apparatus and PLC control system hardware and software design .

  26. 我这一路上,差点儿被你们运灌肠的大车撞倒,还在约翰F。肯尼迪机场被人脱衣服搜身,对你们这里的人来说,

    That I 've already been run down by one of your wiener carts , and been strip-searched at John F. Kennedy Airport , apparently to you people ,

  27. 但随着油价创新高,有些SUV的车主正考虑把大车换成小一点的车。

    But with oil prices at record highs , some SUV owners are thinking about downsizing to something a little smaller .

  28. 这对底特律三巨头来说尤其不利。这三大车商主要依赖利润率较高的运动型多用途车(SUV)和其他较大的车型。

    That is an ominous trend especially for Detroit 's Big Three , which rely on the higher profit margins of sport-utility vehicles and other big models .

  29. 16t集装箱门式起重机大车运行减速器输出轴断裂原因分析

    Failure analysis for the output shaft of the reducer of the travelling mechanism of 16t portal container crane

  30. 针对抓斗龙门起重机门腿开裂的情况,采用ANSYS程序对龙门起重机整机的应力分布进行了分析,成功地模拟了由于大车启制动时两侧腿的位移不同步而产生的应力集中现象。

    In this paper , for investigation into the cracking on legs of grab bucket gantry crane , the ANSYS program is used to analyze the distributing of stress , it simulates successfully the stress concentraion created by asynchronism of two legs when startup or trig .