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  • private first-class ;lance corporal;lance bombardier
  1. 就是那个人,是个一等兵。

    That 's who it was , it was a private .

  2. 我还是你们的头儿,一等兵姜汉。

    I 'm still your senior , 1st private Kang han-chul .

  3. 我相信这对一等兵贝尔来说很有趣。

    I 'm sure it was lovely for private bell .

  4. 我是印第安三杠五连队的一等兵考夫林

    I 'm Lance Corporal Coughlin , India Company threefive .

  5. 参议员,这是一等兵艾拉海耶斯。

    Senator , this is private first class IRA hayes .

  6. 总之不得伤害一等兵圣地亚哥。

    Private Santiago was not to be harmed in anyway .

  7. 道森准下士和一等兵多尼。

    Lance Corporal Dawson and private first class downey .

  8. 一等兵圣地亚哥开会时迟过到吗?

    Was private Santiago ever late for platoon meetings ?

  9. 和一等兵劳登-多尼。

    And private first class Louden downey .

  10. 这头八岁半的一等兵将在惠普斯耐德动物园度过它的余生。

    The eight-and-a-half-year-old lance corporal will spend the rest of his days at Whipsnade Zoo .

  11. 一等兵蓝道曼,你看来很疲倦。

    Private randleman , you look tired .

  12. 这是一等兵雷尼盖格南。

    This is PFC Rene gagnon .

  13. 她的父亲西蒙陆军一等兵当时正在巴斯拉服役。

    Her father Simon - a Lance Corporal - was serving in Basra at the time .

  14. 我是一等兵威廉-t-圣地亚哥。

    My name is p.f.c.william t.santiago .

  15. (掌声)请欢迎一等兵拜伦阿塞韦多带领我们宣读效忠誓词。

    ( Applause . ) Please welcome , Lance Corporal Byron Acevedo to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance .

  16. 一等兵“爆脾气”麦迪那:我们请注意语言文明必须得离开这里,这些看起来像人的怪物想杀死我们。

    Private First Class-Crank Medina : We gotta get the hell out of here , man-these things are gonna kill us .

  17. 一等兵布拉德利·曼宁泄密案的审前听证会在马里兰州举行,法官表示会依据辩护请求做出判决。

    In the Maryland pretrial hearing for Private First Class Bradley Manning , the judge said she would rule on the defense 's motion .

  18. 乔治则是海军一等兵。当他在和女友约会,从城市广播里听到了日本投降的消息。

    George , a first class sailor in the Navy , was on a date with another woman when he heard the news at Radio City Music Hall .

  19. 在墨西哥战争中他参军成为一名二等兵。

    He enlisted as a private in the Mexican War

  20. 上校把中士降为一个二等兵。

    The Colonel reduced the sergeant to private .

  21. 我不记得这是为什么不过我还是作为一名二等兵参加战斗。

    I don 't remember what the reason was but I still fought as a common soldier .

  22. 华盛顿特区刚刚举行了新版美国兵营歌剧的首映礼,这部歌剧由剧作家黄哲伦创作,由真实故事改编,讲述了一名陆军二等兵自杀的故事。

    Washington DC is just premiered an new edition to the American casern of Opera , it 's by playwright David Henry Hwang and it 's about the suicide of army private and it 's based on a true story .

  23. 他作为一名机械师和锅炉工的天赋为他赢得了不少奖励,但他偶尔也会惹上一点儿小麻烦,所以军衔从来没有高过一等兵。

    His talent as a machinist and fireman earned him commendations , but he occasionally found himself in minor trouble and never rose above the rank of seaman .