
  • 网络A hotel
  1. 我十点钟到达后直接到一家旅馆办理了住宿手续。

    I got in at ten and booked straight into a hotel .

  2. 你能给我找一家旅馆吗?

    Can you find a hotel for me ?

  3. 我们发现我们住在同一家旅馆里。

    We found out we were staying in the same hotel .

  4. 他们碰巧住在同一家旅馆。

    They chanced to be staying at the same hotel .

  5. 碰巧他们住在同一家旅馆。

    It chanced they were staying at the same hotel .

  6. 真是天缘奇遇,他们住进了同一家旅馆。

    By a strange quirk of fate they had booked into the same hotel .

  7. 你能给我找一家旅馆吗?

    Can you find me a hotel ?

  8. 今天,马奥尼自己到悉尼最好的一家旅馆办理了入住手续。

    Today Mahoney booked himself into one of the best hotels in Sydney

  9. 我们在一家旅馆过夜。

    We spent the night in a hotel .

  10. 我经营一家旅馆。

    I manage a hotel .

  11. 我想你住在同一家旅馆里是不聪明的。

    I thought it unwise for you to be in the same hotel .

  12. 路的另一边有一家旅馆。

    There 's a hotel across the road .

  13. 在城外找一家旅馆。

    Find a hotel outside a city .

  14. 我十分偶然地碰上这个人,然后我们就聊起来。我了解到他是个老水手,现在在这里开一家旅馆,

    I met the man quite by accident , and we began a conversation , I learnt he was an old seaman12 who kept an inn13 ,

  15. 奥斯瓦德工作日寄宿在达拉斯的一家旅馆里,妻子玛丽娜(Marina)住在德克萨斯州的欧文市,离弗雷泽很近。一到周末他就会请弗雷泽开车载他去见妻子。

    Mr. Oswald lived in a Dallas boarding house during the week and asked Mr. Frazier for rides on weekends to visit his wife , Marina , who lived near Mr. Frazier in Irving , Texas .

  16. 住宿Graffalgar(17,rueDéserte,33-3-88-24-98-40;graffalgar.com)是今年开张的一家旅馆,位于该市主火车站附近,有19间简单的客房,内饰由19位街头艺术家绘制而成,色彩鲜艳,风格各异。

    LODGING Graffalgar ( 17 , rue D é serte , 33-3-88-24-98-40 ; graffalgar . com ) opened this year near the main train station with 19 simple rooms painted in varying colorful styles by 19 street artists .

  17. 韩国最大的整形医院之一,由权株创立的JK整形手术中心,近期开了一家旅馆来更好地服务顾客。这些顾客每次看病人均花费17675美元。

    One of the country 's largest clinics , JK Plastic Surgery Center founded by Joo Kwon , recently opened a hotel to better serve customers , who spend an average of $ 17675 during a single visit .

  18. 可不可以替我在当地预约另外一家旅馆呢?

    Can you book me into another hotel in the area ?

  19. 碰巧他们住在同一家旅馆。

    It chanced that they were staying at the same hotel .

  20. 然后你就可以选一家旅馆,讲讲价钱。

    Then you can choose any one and bargain the price .

  21. 我打电话给他约在了一家旅馆。

    I called him and dated with him in a hotel .

  22. 在路的尽头有一家旅馆。

    There is a hotel at the end of the road .

  23. 尼尔不在,他搬去了一家旅馆。

    Apart from neil , he 's moved into an hotel .

  24. 他走进一家旅馆的熙熙攘攘的大厅。

    He walked into the busy main lobby of a hotel .

  25. 一家旅馆和一个边防哨所被人放火。

    A hotel and a border post were set on fire .

  26. 我们在乡下的一家旅馆里度假。

    We were vacationing at a hotel in the country .

  27. 有位老妇人坐在一家旅馆的门口。

    An old lady was sitting on the porch of a hotel .

  28. 由於命运的捉弄,他们住进同一家旅馆。

    By a quirkof fate they have booked into the same hotel .

  29. 她在一家旅馆里当了一年的客房服务员。

    She served as a maid at a hotel for a year .

  30. 本市哪一家旅馆你认为最舒适?

    Which do you think is the most comfortable hotel in thistown ?