
  • 网络Fraser island
  1. 先驱植物在澳大利亚弗雷泽岛的潮汐线上获得立足之地。

    Pioneering plants get a toehold above the tide line on Australia 's Fraser Island .

  2. 弗雷泽岛上的狂欢

    Sprees on The Fraser Island

  3. 登上了世界自然遗产弗雷泽岛。

    Up to Frasier Island , which is a world heritage site .

  4. 这张照片拍摄于澳大利亚昆士兰省的弗雷泽岛,经由住在黄金海岸的瑞奇·罗杰上传到网络,之后迅速蹿红。

    The image which has since gone viral was taken at Fraser Island , off Queensland 's coast , and posted online by Gold Coast man Rick Rogers .

  5. 弗雷泽岛是世界上最大的沙滩岛屿,长123千米,宽22千米,坐落于大桑迪海峡的尽头。

    Fraser Island is the world 's largest sand island , 123 kilometers in length and up to 22 kilometers wide , lies at the end of the Great Sandy Straight .