
  • 网络Frey;frei;freyr;Alexander Frei
  1. 这份由布鲁金斯研究院(BrookingsInstitution)人口统计学家威廉姆斯•弗雷(WilliamH.Frey)发布的分析报告显示,去年,大约有3800万外国出生的人居住在美国,较前年减少了10万。

    About 38 million foreign-born people lived in the U.S. last year , 100000 less than the year previous , according to an analysis of Census data by William H. Frey , a demographer at the Brookings Institution .

  2. 奥利弗。弗雷,你怎么会来这?

    Oliver frey , what do you know ?

  3. 一个加利福尼亚人想要在圣奥诺弗雷(sanonofre)核电厂附近建造一座“潮汐水力发电场”,将水电引上岸来。

    A man in California wants to build a " hydrokinetic wave farm " that would bring hydroelectric power ashore near the San Onofre nuclear power plant .

  4. 此举引来了其它知名投资者,其中包括演员艾什顿?库彻(AshtonKutcher)和斯蒂芬?弗雷(StephenFry)。他们投给达洛西奥提供的资金总额为150万美元。

    That opened the door to other high-profile investors , who collectively gave him a total of $ 1.5 million in funding , including actors Ashton Kutcher and Stephen Fry .

  5. 弗雷的前额上纹路纵横。

    Fray 's forehead was wrinkled both perpendicularly and crosswise .

  6. 这是我亲爱的弗雷德里牺牲的地方

    This is where my beloved Frederick sacrificed his life .

  7. 警察局确认这名嫌犯名叫埃里克.马修.弗雷。

    Police identified the suspect is Eric Mathew Frein .

  8. 弗雷西亚专攻艺术史和设计都从他们的传单的网站。

    Felicia majored in art history and designs everything from their flyers to websites .

  9. 令他倍感惊喜的是,弗雷回复给他一封幽默风趣的长信。

    To his surprise , Fry wrote back with a long and witty letter .

  10. 从弗雷明翰研究中我们得知

    We know from the Framingham studies ,

  11. 弗雷家同族相食的命运在第三季就有重大暗示。

    A big hint about the Freys ' cannibalistic fate was given back in season three .

  12. 遭受攻击的美国记者詹姆斯.弗雷的亲朋好友在新罕布什尔州的罗彻斯特市聚集。

    Family and friends of slammed American journalist James Foley gathered in Rochester , New Hampshire .

  13. 随着他年纪变大,弗雷闲了下来,他开始对健康和体能感兴趣。

    As he aged , Frey did slow down . He became interested in health and physical fitness .

  14. 为了纪念詹姆斯.弗雷完成了使命,并让人们知道了战争的残酷。

    He was remembered as the man with a mission who enlightened the world about the brutality of war .

  15. 农场规模也从最初的弗雷-塔利一人,拓展到现在农忙季节时多达600人的雇佣工。

    In the beginning , Frey-Talley worked alone , but now she employees up to 600 workers during the peak-growing season .

  16. 弗雷的丹尼尔一轮滑块控制I类作为我的课的起点特别感谢。

    A special thanks to Daniel Frey whose round slider control class I used as a starting point for my class .

  17. 尽管不断被问及此事,白宫发言人阿里-弗雷舍拒绝对总统和女儿的谈话作出详细说明。

    Under repeated questioning today , White House spokesman Ari Fleischer refused to elaborate on the president 's conversations with his daughters .

  18. 弗雷-塔利为Tsamma制定了雄心勃勃的扩张计划,希望年销售额能在5年内冲到1.5亿美元。

    Frey-Talley has a fairly aggressive growth plan for Tsamma , hoping annual sales will hit $ 150 million within five years .

  19. 创业的第一年,特瑞普•弗雷和双胞胎兄弟约翰和克里斯•普开着房车来销售产品。

    For their first year of operation , Tripp Frey and twin brothers Jon and Chris Pew ran sales out of an RV .

  20. 卡拉.弗雷杜斯说,她离开阿拉巴马的家时根本没带回程路费,因为这场运动深深打动了她。

    Carla Fraydus said she left her home in Alabama without money to return , because she feels so strongly about the movement .

  21. 弗雷德利.福赛思曾任路透社记者,一九六二年派驻东柏林,几乎引起第三次世界大战。

    In1962 , when working for Reuters , Frederick Forsyth was posted to East Berlin where he nearly started the Third World War .

  22. Tsamma能够迅速获得食品杂货连锁店的认可,农场主弗雷-塔利功不可没,她在农场的经营上经验丰富,同时又深谙销售之道。

    Tsamma 's quick acceptance from grocery-store chains can be attributed to Frey-Talley 's experience as both a farmer and a savvy saleswoman .

  23. 警察在沼泽及森林地区展开密集搜捕,缉拿一周前杀害一名州警察的犯罪嫌疑人亡命徒埃里克.弗雷。

    Police were searching in a dense , swampy woodland for survivalist Eric Frein suspected of killing a state police trooper a week ago .

  24. 丰饶之神弗雷被火焰之国的火巨人史尔特尔打败。

    Freyr - the powerful god of harvest - will fall to Surtr , the flaming , giant lord of Muspelheim , world of fire .

  25. 方达尔说:每当我看到媒体批评弗雷自负或其他什么,我总是会站在他那一边。

    Whenever I see Stephen Fry being criticized in the press for being pompous , or whatever , Farndale says : I always feel protective toward him .

  26. 孟菲斯及其墓地&从吉萨到代赫舒尔的金字塔区域苏菲-玛索真的是美极了,而萨米-弗雷也一如既往地充满了魅力。

    Memphis and its Necropolis - the Pyramid Fields from Giza to Dahshur Sophie Marceau is really beautiful , and Sami Frey very attractive , as always .

  27. 美国官方称,伊斯兰武装分子在杀死美国记者詹姆斯.弗雷之前,曾索要多达1.3亿美元的赎金。

    US officials say the Islamic State militants who beheaded an American journalist , James Foley had demanded more than 130 million dollars ransom for his release .

  28. 尽管艾莉亚(和弗雷)在书里并不是主要人物,但编剧显然很早就设计好了这一段。

    Though Arya ( and Lord Walder ) aren 't the key characters involved in the books , the showrunners clearly had this plan in mind for awhile .

  29. 加拿大皇家铸币厂已经接管了这座建筑,也就是如今的西门`弗雷则河大学的商业学校,在这将会有一场特殊的温哥华上将要颁发的奖牌的展览会。

    The Royal Canadian Mint has taken over the building-now Simon Fraser University 's School of Business-for a special exhibit of the Olympic medals to be awarded in Vancouver .

  30. 彼得.西奥.柯蒂斯,笔名西奥.帕德诺思,在美国记者詹姆斯.弗雷被伊斯兰武装分子杀害之后,在前几天获释。

    Peter Theo Curtis , who wrote under the byline Theo Padnos , was released less than a week after the beheading of American journalist James Foley by Islamic militants .