
  • 网络Pope Francis I
  1. 梵蒂冈估计,有25万人聚集在圣彼得广场聆听教皇弗朗西斯一世在棕枝全日的讲话。

    The Vatican estimates 250000 people jammed St. Peter 's Square to hear Pope Francis celebrate Palm Sunday .

  2. 在这个摩托车制造公司创立110周年之际,教皇弗朗西斯一世祝福了数千架摩托车与骑手。

    Pope Francis blessed thousands of hogs and their riders on the 110th anniversary of the motorcycle maker .

  3. 教皇弗朗西斯一世上周当选后首次在圣彼得广场做弥撒。

    Pope Francis gave his first Sunday blessing in St. Peter 's Square since his election last week .

  4. 弗朗西斯一世的前任本笃十六世曾签署文件表明,深度同性性取向者不能担任教职人员。

    Francis ' predecessor , Pope Benedict signed a document saying men who had deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be priests .

  5. 弗朗西斯一世在2013年12月宣布,梵蒂冈将设立委员会来与教会性虐儿童作斗争。

    He announced in December that a Vatican committee would be set up to fight sexual abuse of children in the Church .

  6. 在周四的说教中,本尼迪克特的继承者——弗朗西斯一世认为这个虐待丑闻是教会的耻辱。

    In a homily on Thursday , Benedict 's successor , Pope Francis , called abuse scandals " the shame of the Church . "