
  • 网络the First Consul
  1. 1799年,拿破仑・波拿巴(NapoleonBonaparte)控制共和国,自封为第一执政官。

    Napoleon Bonaparte seized control of the republic in1799 , making himself First Consul .

  2. 复元之后他在执政内阁和第一执政统治下的法国都无用武之地。

    When he recovered , he found no scope in the France of the Directoire and the First Consul .

  3. 1799年,作为第一执政官,他实际上成了法国君主。1804年,他直接模仿查理大帝,称自己为法国皇帝。

    He became practically monarch of France as first consul in1799 , and he made himself Emperor of France in i804in direct imitation of charlemagne .

  4. 拿破仑.波拿巴是一名军事家,法兰西共和国第一执政和法兰西第一帝国皇帝,他的所做的事改变了19世纪欧洲的政治格局。

    Napoleon Bonaparte , was a military and political leader of France and Emperor of the French as Napoleon I , whose actions shaped European politics in the early19th century .

  5. 第一,巩固执政地位的必然需要;

    Firstly , the inevitable need of consolidating ruling status .

  6. 第一,界定执政机制的概念。

    The first , to define the ruling mechanism .

  7. 第一章:围绕执政能力建设的若干理论问题进行了深入探讨。

    In Chapter 1 , the paper goes deep into some theories of construction of governance ability .

  8. 自去年12月安倍新内阁成立后,山口那津男是第一位访华的执政党成员。

    He became the first member of a ruling party to visit China since Abe unveiled his new cabinet in late December .