
  • 网络Fifth Ave;fifth street;the Fifth Avenue
  1. 第五大街是纽约著名的购物中心。

    The Fifth Avenue is a famous shopping center in new york .

  2. 你能告诉我从这儿到第五大街怎么走吗?

    Can you give me directions from here to fifth avenue ?

  3. 第五大街

    Fifth Ave.

  4. 我和萨克斯第五大街百货谈成了一笔大生意。

    And I made a giant deal with Saks Fifth avenue .

  5. 第五大街上的店铺都要来不及进货了。

    I 'm surprised Fifth Avenue had time to restock .

  6. 我不太去第五大街购物。

    I don 't get over to Fifth Avenue much .

  7. 在第五大街。

    B : It 's on the Fifth Avenue .

  8. 能送我们到第五大街吗?

    Could you take us to the Fifth Avenue ?

  9. 对不起,第五大街在哪儿?

    Excuse me . Where is No.5 Street ?

  10. 我们跟着他一直走到第五大街。

    We followed him North on Fifth street .

  11. 他们现在住在第五大街上。

    They stay on Fifth Street now .

  12. 艾丽斯:我去我的朋友家了,它位于第五大街三号。

    Alice : I was at my friend 's house , No.3 on Fifth Avenue .

  13. 第五大街。(到目的地)车费是多少?

    The Fifth Avenue . ( They got there ) How much is the fare ?

  14. 去第五大街是第三条横马路右转弯吗?

    Is Fifth avenue third right ?

  15. 他买下高尚富丽的纽约第五大街上邻近第凡内的一处房产。

    He bought the property next to Tiffany 's on New York 's swanky Fifth Avenue .

  16. 第五大街上那些面对公园的公寓厅可能是世界上最昂贵的公寓了。

    Facing the park on Fifth Avenue are probably the most expensive apartments in the world .

  17. 坎贝尔一家从郊外搬到了平坦的第五大街博物馆附近。

    The Campbells have moved from the suburbs to a flat near the Fifth Avenue museum .

  18. 嘉莉一直往前走,直到过了河,然后转弯拐进第五大街。

    Carrie went straight forward until she crossed the river , and then turned into fifth avenue .

  19. 几天以后,我沿第五大街信步而行,想看一看纽约的圣诞节是个什么景象。

    A few days later I walk up Fifth Avenue to witness the sights of New York Christmas .

  20. 令他惊讶的是,在拥挤的第五大街上,梅转过身来,伸出双臂搂住了他的脖子。

    She surprised him by turning , in full Fifth Avenue , and flinging her arms about his neck .

  21. 纽约第五大街人行道上污雪成浆,空气阴冷潮湿,走这一段够累的。

    The walk up Fifth Avenue through the slush of the sidewalks and the dankness of the air had tired him .

  22. 忽然,路灯亮了,照亮了整个第五大街,在忧郁的空气中凝成两条朦胧的光带。

    Suddenly the lights came on up the whole length of Fifth Avenue , chains of misty brilliance in the blue air .

  23. 领子是黑天鹅绒的,商标是第五大街的,价钱让人难以置信,只卖28美元。

    The coat had a black velvet collar , beautiful tailoring , a Fifth Avenue label and an unbelievable price of $ 28 .

  24. 突然电话铃响起,我一下冲出前门,飞快地跑上第五大街,嘴里还响着警笛。

    Suddenly the phone rings , I burst out the front door and start running down Fifth Avenue fast , making a sirens noise .

  25. 一个明朗的下午,我走在第五大街上,忽然想起得买双短袜。

    One fine afternoon I was walking along Fifth Avenue , when I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks .

  26. 如果你想看看漂亮的服装或古老的银器,那就沿着密歇根北大街走下去,这条大街有点像纽约的第五大街。

    If you want to see beautiful clothes and old silver walk down North Michigan Avenue , which is like Fifth Avenue in New York .

  27. 当行走者在新学院大学的楼上挂出“占领”字样的横幅时,警察们试图沿着第五大街设置路障,但是也没能阻挡行走的继续进行。

    Police attempts to erect barricades along5th Avenue failed to block the march , as banners reading " OCCUPIED " were seen along New School buildings .

  28. 假如让梅的父母在第五大街款待卡弗莱一家,他们会引荐比牧师和家庭教师更有分量的人物。

    If May 's parents had entertained the Carfrys in Fifth Avenue they would have offered them something more substantial than a parson and a schoolmaster .

  29. 索比离开长凳,踱出广场,跨过百老汇大街和第五大街的交汇处那片沥青铺就的平坦路面。

    Soapy left his bench and strolled out of the square and across the level sea of asphalt , where Broadway and Fifth Avenue flow together .

  30. 有老凯瑟琳·斯派塞把持第五大街的一端,朱利叶斯·博福特把持另一端,你无法指望那些老规矩能维持多久。

    and with old Catherine Spicer ruling one end of Fifth Avenue , and Julius Beaufort the other , you couldn 't expect the old traditions to last much longer .