
  • 网络New York City Government;City Hall - Chambers Street
  1. 7月底,GA主办了一场名为“改造纽约市政府网站”(ReinventNYC.gov)的黑客马拉松竞赛,程序员要经过36个小时的编程,重新设计纽约市政府的网站。

    Gov , where programmers competed in a36-hour programming binge to redesign the city government 's website .

  2. 它还与一些政府机构进行合作,例如纽约市政府可以在Nextdoor上推送公共安全信息。

    It also has partnered with certain municipal governments , including New York City , which have the ability to push public safety information into the private networks .

  3. 纽约市政府就制定了大量的防御和应对计划。

    And in New York itself , city hall has developed extensive defence and response plans .

  4. 如果得到许可,你的意见可能被转交到纽约市政府官员的手上。

    If it 's permissible , perhaps you can forward your ideas to a city official in new york .

  5. 纽约市政府表示大部分街道已经清理干净,但他们的长远目标是清理整个康涅狄格州和马萨诸塞州。

    New York City officials say most roads there are clear while the task is taking longer in Connecticut and Massachusetts .

  6. 但当纽约市政府要求帮助除雪后,很多学生出现并投身其中。

    But when the city asked for help shuttling the snow , a lot of students showed up to pitch in .

  7. 根据纽约市政府的数据,曼哈顿岛房地产应税价值只有2870亿美元。

    The island 's taxable real estate is worth only $ 287 billion , according to the New York City government .

  8. 纽约市政府说,目前还没有特别有针对性的危险威胁这个城市,但当局绝不会因此松懈。

    New York officials say there are currently no specific threats against the city . But authorities are taking no chances .

  9. 更扯的是,纽约市政府承认,多收的这一部分钱并没有用于道路的修葺,而是用在了市区的房地产发展上。

    What 's worse the city admitted the extra money is not being used for road repairs but for urban real estate development .

  10. 纽约市政府称,人们饮用大包装碳酸饮料会摄入更多“空热量”,但既不会增强饱腹感,也不能抑制口渴。

    The Administration said people were consuming bigger soda portions with more " empty " calories but not feeling fuller or less thirsty .

  11. 这是纽约市政府公园部开设的一个项目,为人们提供免费园艺课程,以及铲子和耙子等轻便工具。

    It 's a program within the city 's Department of Parks that offers free gardening classes and light equipment like shovels and rakes .

  12. 把大都会歌剧院的大堂延伸至林肯中心广场需要成功筹款,并获得林肯中心管理层甚至纽约市政府的同意。

    Expanding the Met 's lobby into the Lincoln Center plaza would require successful fund-raising as well as the approval of the center 's administration and , possibly , the city .

  13. 由于祖科提公园的特殊地位,使得目前的案例变得复杂:在与纽约市政府达成的协议中,祖科提公园是一处归私人拥有的空间,但却必需全天候开放给民众使用。

    The question in the current case is complicated by Zuccotti Park 's unusual status : under a zoning deal struck with the city , it is a privately owned space that must be open to the public at all times .

  14. 但在纽约,市政府资金匮乏,而且在路面被积雪覆盖的情况下这些坑洞更难修补。

    But the New York City government is strapped for cash and it is harder to fix potholes when roads are covered in snow .

  15. 在纽约市,除政府补贴的建筑外,其他以出租为目的的建筑都是豪华的。

    In New York City , except for government-subsidized construction , the only rental units being built are luxury units .

  16. 近日,全球参观人数最多的博物馆之一纽约市大都会艺术博物馆正同纽约市政府官员商讨对外来游客收取固定的门票费用,而非呼吁他们捐款。

    New York City 's Metropolitan Museum of Art , one of the world 's most visited museums , is in talks with city officials about charging a fixed admission fee for out-of-town visitors , rather than urging a donation .

  17. 曾在诸多大城市运营公共自行车系统的阿尔塔自行车分享公司(AltaBicycleShare)将与纽约市共同负责该项目的运营,所得利润由该公司与纽约市政府共同分配。

    Alta bicycle share , which runs a handful of systems in major cities , will work with New York officials to run the program , and will split any profits with the government .