
  • 网络Foley;flea;Free;forli
  1. 弗利丑闻使整个共和党乱成了一锅粥。

    Foley scandal has messed up the whole Republican Party .

  2. 本周武装分子发布了一段视频,视频显示弗利被残忍地处决以报复美国空袭伊拉克的行动。

    This week militants released a video tape showing Foley 's brazenly execution in retaliation for US airstrikes in Iraq .

  3. 西莉亚尽管不喜欢声明强调的重点和一些暗示,但内心里还是承认斯塔弗利的话听起来很内行,也很能打动人心。

    While Celia disliked the statement 's emphasis and some allusions , she conceded mentally that Stavely sounded professional and impressive .

  4. 艾丁•森库特,弗利西斯风险投资公司(FelicisVentures)创始人兼总裁

    Aydin senkut , founder and President , Felicis Ventures

  5. 不知怎么地,威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(WilliamButlerYeats)的诗作《茵纳斯弗利岛》(TheLakeIsleofInnisfree)就像在我脑子里生了根一样,和其他数以百万计的人一样,我第一次读到这首诗是在念大学的时候:

    Somehow William Butler Yeats 's poem " The Lake Isle of Innisfree , " which , like millions of other people , I first read in college , stays rooted in me :

  6. 我就要动身走了,去茵纳斯弗利岛……

    I will arise and go now , and go to Innisfree ....

  7. 我要起身走了,去茵尼斯弗利岛,

    I will arise and go now , and go to Innisfree ,

  8. 为什么密特拉神会戴一顶弗利吉亚国的帽子?

    Why is Mithras shown wearing a Phrygian cap ?

  9. 斯塔弗利医生把那份文件说成是推动销售的厚颜无耻的东西了。

    Dr. Stavely described the document as a " shameless piece of sales promotion " .

  10. 参议员唐纳休和颜悦色地对证人表示欢迎,随后,斯塔弗利医生念了一份事先准备好的声明。

    Senator Donahue welcomed the witness cordially , after which Dr. Stavely read a prepared statement .

  11. 叶芝的《茵内斯弗利湖岛》不是一首传统意义上的田园诗,而是一曲现代意义上的天堂牧歌。

    The Lake Isle of Innisfree is not a traditional pastoral , but a poem with profound reflection of our modern life .

  12. 典当行老板看到全国典当行情繁荣,即使在最没有料到的地方,如比奢华生活和购物的朝圣地的弗利山庄。

    Pawn shop owners see strong business across the country , even in unexpected locales like Beverly Hills , the mecca of luxury living and shopping .

  13. 美国特种部队乘坐飞机空降至叙利亚,同武装分子进行了激战,但是并没有找到弗利和其他被监禁的人员。

    US Special Forces were dropped by aircraft inside Syria , but despite a firefight with militants , Foley and the other captives were not located .

  14. 要看丹麦人嬉乐,要想自己找到乐趣,你可以走过安徒生大道,进入提弗利花园,在这儿你是不会寂寞的。

    To see them having fun , and to have some fun yourself , cross Andersens Boulevard and enter Tivoli Gardens . You won 't be alone .

  15. 弗利和阿什尔斯除了处理了来自全国各地的服务订单请求外,还收到了美国和加拿大需要提供服务的请求,据报道,他们正在与律师会面,看如何最好地推动公司业务向前发展。

    Besides being flatted with request from across the country , Folly and Ashers have also received request from the U. S. and Canada to provide the services there , they are reportedly meeting with lawyers to see how best to take the business forward .