
  • 网络Florence;Florence Brudenell-Bruce
  1. "弗洛伦斯是她家第一个完成高中和大学学业的人,"丽莎说。

    " Florence is the first in her family to finish high school and college , " said Lisa .

  2. 我的第一次记忆是和弗洛伦斯去捡网球。

    My first memories are of catching tennis balls with florence .

  3. 当地人略带挖苦地推测她成功的原因,大概是家乡肯特郡Deal小镇的海滨气息,弗洛伦斯就读于当地的多佛文法学校;或者是这家“中央街道炸鱼吧”的薯条里某种神秘的配料。

    Locals wrylysuggested it was the sea air in the Dover Grammar schoolgirl 's home town of Deal , Kent , which contributed to her success , or possibly a secret ingredient in Middle Street Fish Bar 's chips .

  4. 当地人略带挖苦地推测她成功的原因,大概是家乡肯特郡Deal小镇的海滨气息,弗洛伦斯就读于当地的多佛文法学校;或者是这家中央街道炸鱼吧的薯条里某种神秘的配料。

    Locals wryly suggested it was the sea air in the Dover Grammar schoolgirl 's home town of Deal , Kent , which contributed to her success , or possibly a secret ingredient in Middle Street Fish Bar 's chips .

  5. 弗洛伦斯起初是在朋友家人以及食品店顾客的劝说下参加了英国独立电视台(ITV)罗琳的这档节目,节目的初衷是为了突出自然美,鼓励女性们为她们自然的相貌感到骄傲。

    For Florence , it became reality when friends , family and chip shop customers persuaded her to enter a competition run by ITV 's Lorraine programme to highlight natural beauty and encourage women to be proud of their natural look .

  6. 弗洛伦斯?南丁格尔的主张是防患于未然。

    Florence Nightingale was basically arguing for prevention rather than cure .

  7. 保罗说道。弗洛伦斯也会愿意的。

    ' said Paul : ' and so would Florence . '

  8. 您要走了吗?弗洛伦斯站起来问道。

    ' Are you going ? ' asked Florence , rising .

  9. 可是客人呢,苏珊?弗洛伦斯问道。

    ' But the visitor , Susan , ' said Florence .

  10. 弗洛伦斯和盖尔斯·乔普林夫妇在司格特十几岁时分居了。

    Florence and Giles Joplin separated before Scott became a teenager .

  11. 我永远也不会忘记您,弗洛伦斯继续说道。

    ' I 'll never forget you , ' pursued Florence .

  12. 弗洛伦斯立刻在角落里给他摆出了宴席;

    A banquet was immediately provided for him in a corner ;

  13. 小弗洛伦斯在利用这个机会方面也不落后。

    Little Florence herself was not behind-hand in improving the occasion ;

  14. 弗洛伦斯在她真挚纯朴的悲痛中也许会回答道,

    Florence , in her innocent affliction , might have answered ,

  15. 首先想到的是弗洛伦斯要来参加晚会。

    First , there was Florence coming to the party .

  16. 美好的天气,弗洛伦斯回答。

    ' It is beautiful weather , ' replied Florence .

  17. 国际会议,大会和在弗洛伦斯,公平的刺激意大利。

    International meetings , conventions and incentives fair in Florence , Italy .

  18. 弗洛伦斯大街的房屋几乎都被隔成了公寓套房。

    The houses in Florence st are almost all divided into flats .

  19. 不是的,不是的。它是对弗洛伦斯表示的——完全是对弗洛伦斯表示的。

    No , no. To Florence - all to Florence .

  20. 从叙述视角的偏差看弗洛伦斯的英国情结

    Florence 's " British Complex " through Viewpoints Differences

  21. 弗洛伦斯点点头,并把嘴唇紧紧压着他的脸颊。

    Florence shook her head , and pressed her lips against his cheek .

  22. 弗洛伦斯向他伸出手去,说她很好。

    Florence gave him her hand , and said she was very well .

  23. 我要弗洛伦斯到我这里来,保罗说道。

    ' I want Florence to come for me , ' said Paul .

  24. 您为什么喜欢您的姐姐弗洛伦斯?

    Why are you fond of your sister Florence ?

  25. 不会割断他和弗洛伦斯之间友谊。

    Would come between him and Florence ever again .

  26. 而弗洛伦斯的比例是32.8%。

    Florence 's ratio is 32.8 per cent .

  27. 他们顽固地反对弗洛伦斯和她的支持者们。

    They grimly opposed Florence and her allies .

  28. 在这一项上弗洛伦斯的比例是44%。

    Florence scores a 44 per cent ratio .

  29. 弗洛伦斯点点头,悲伤地表示同意。

    Florence shook her head in sad assent '

  30. 同时弗洛伦斯将在今后的四十多年里继续为医院的规划出谋划策。

    And Florence would continue to advise on hospital plans for over forty years .