
  • 网络tort;general tort
  1. 一般侵权行为中的注意义务

    On Duty of Care in the Tort of Negligence

  2. 学校体育伤害事故的赔偿原则和范围适合一般侵权行为造成损害的赔偿原则和范围。

    The principle of compensation and scope of school sports injuries applied to the damage caused by general tort .

  3. 欺诈侵权行为表现出与一般侵权行为相对特殊的特征。

    The fraud tort demonstrates the relatively special characteristic with the general tort .

  4. 机动车交通事故的侵权行为是不同于一般侵权行为的特殊侵权行为。

    Traffic accident is a kind of special tort in the area of tort law .

  5. 侵权法的救济理论虽可以有效解决持续性信息披露中投资者权利的救济问题,但在适用一般侵权行为准则时,原告必须承担沉重的举证责任;

    However the plaintiff has to assume the quoting duty during asking for remedy according to Tort Law .

  6. 实践中,虚假广告侵权一直被视为一般侵权行为,其归责原则适用传统的过错责任原则。

    Misleading advertising has always been regarded as infringement act and its tort liability is considered as the traditional fault liability .

  7. 环境侵权行为是一种特殊的侵权行为,其民事责任也有别于一般侵权行为的民事责任。

    Civil liability of environment infringement , as one of legal liabilities , has effect of relief , punishment and prevention .

  8. 与一般侵权行为不同,缺陷产品致人损害的赔偿案件具有如下特点:侵权行为的间接性、高科技性与复杂性;

    Different from common tortious act , the cases have such characteristics as follows : the feature of indirection high technology and complexity ;

  9. 法学界在沿袭一般侵权行为民事救济的基础上,借鉴日本、台湾地区在环境问题中的公害纠纷处理法,提出了由环保行政机关处理环境侵权民事纠纷制度。

    The law field draws lessons from Japan , Taiwanese region , and raises the dispute to be handled by environmental protection administration organization .

  10. 侵害业主成员权的行为,属于一般侵权行为,但在权利救济上具有独立性与特殊性。

    The behavior of the members ' rights against the owners , general tort , but the independence and particularity in the right to relief .

  11. 不法性不应作为一般侵权行为的构成要件,而应由过错要件吸收。

    Unlawfulness shouldn 't be one of the requirements of the common civil tort , or rather it should be absorbed by the requirement of fault .

  12. 虚假广告侵权一直被视为一般侵权行为,适用过错责任原则。

    Infringement of False advertisement has long been regarded as general tort and is treated by the principle of liability for fault in the practice of justice .

  13. 《道路交通安全法》规定的道路以外的事故的损害赔偿责任主体根据一般侵权行为规则作出了分析。

    This part analyzes damages compensation subjects of accidents out of the provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law according to the rule of general infringement act .

  14. 构建第三人侵害债权制度的理论基础为诚实信用原则。第三人侵害债权制度的构成要件不同于一般侵权行为的构成要件。

    The theoretical basis of the System is the principle of good faith , and the essential conditions of it is different from that of the general tort .

  15. 侵犯知识产权行为属于非法事实行为,其侵害对象是知识产品所有人的专有权利,该类侵权行为具有区别于一般侵权行为的特征;

    Infringement of intellectual property rights is an illegal factual conduct , which targets the exclusive right of the owner of intellectual products and differs from the ordinary torts .

  16. 虚假陈述与一般侵权行为相比具有不同的特点,投资者往往难以证明侵权者虚假陈述行为与所受损失之间的因果关系,因此对因果关系的认定应当采用与一般侵权法不同的方法。

    Due to the nature of securities investment , it 's hard for the investor to prove the causation between his loss and the misrepresentation made by the defendants .

  17. 关于潜伏性毒物侵权的抗辩事由,我国法律的规定并没有体现其特殊性,没有将其与一般侵权行为抗辩事由进行区分。

    About the infringement defenses of latent poison tort , provisions of our law did not reflect its particularity , no infringement of its defenses with the general distinction .

  18. 与一般侵权行为相比,环境侵权具有受害人多、造成损害大、侵权人难以认定等特点。

    Environmental tort cases compared with the general tort cases have many features , such as more victims , more harmful and difficult to define which make the Infringement .

  19. 共同侵权行为除具有一般侵权行为的基本构成要件外,还有其特殊要件,即共同侵权行为共同性的判断标准。

    In addition to the general tort common violations of the basic constituent elements , there are terms and conditions that is common violations " commonality " of the criterion .

  20. 一般侵权行为的构成要件为行为的违法性、损害事实的存在、违法行为与损害事实之问存在因果关系以及行为人主观上有过错。

    Elements of general tort unlawful act , the presence of damage to the facts , violations and the causal link between the damage and the fact that the perpetrator subjective fault .

  21. 首先简要介绍了一般侵权行为的几种归责原则,然后引出了过错推定原则,并着重介绍了该原则。

    First , it briefly introduces general abuse of authority several kinds turning over to the responsibility principle . Then it has drawn out the mistake estimation principle , and introduced this principle emphatically .

  22. 恶意诉讼是一般侵权行为,其构成要件包括行为人主观具有故意、实施了违法的诉讼行为、行为造成了损害、违法诉讼行为和损害结果之间存在因果关系。

    The malicious prosecution is a general tort whose the elements should include the subjective intention , acting an illegal litigation that causes damages , and the causation between the offence and the damage .

  23. 论我国涉外一般侵权行为法律适用的立法考量侵权行为纵横谈&中国古代法与罗马法之比较

    Research About Legislation For The Legal Application Of China 's Foreign Act Of Tort A General Review of the Laws on Torts & A Contrast Between the Tort Laws of Ancient China and Roman

  24. 共同危险行为理论是在一般侵权行为理论的基础上发展而来的,其构成要件除应遵循一般侵权行为所应具备的构成要件外,还应反映其自身特性。

    Common risk behaviors is evolved based on the general tort theory , and its components should not only obey the components which the general tort possesses , but also reflect their own characteristics .

  25. 随着社会的文明与进步,在侵权行为法中,过错与违法性成为了侵权行为法中的核心概念,它直接决定了一般侵权行为的构成要件,并对侵权行为的归责体系具有重要意义。

    Fault and illegality became the core concept of Infringement Act Law along with the social civilization and progress . It is a direct violation of infringe activity , and of great significance in responsibility system .

  26. 在适用的归责原则方面,过失相抵不仅适用于以过错责任为原则的一般侵权行为中,也可以适用于无过错责任为原则的特殊侵权行为中。

    For applicable principle of attribution , contributory negligence is not only applicable to the general torts with the principle of fault liability , but also applicable to the special torts with the principle of liability without fault .

  27. 随着科技和工业的不断推进,危险活动产生的后果日益明显,甚至有与日俱增的趋势,几乎凌驾于一般侵权行为,成为现代社会权益侵害之主要现象。

    With the continuous advance of technology and industry , the consequences of hazardous activities is increasingly evident , even increasing trend , almost above the general tort , which becomes the main phenomena of modern social rights violations .

  28. 交通事故损害赔偿责任的构成要件及责任形态,则从一般侵权行为与特殊侵权行为的角度,分析了自己责任及替代责任的适用情形。

    As far as the components and liability forms of damages compensation in traffic accidents are concerned , the author analyzes situations of applicable own liabilities and vicarious liabilities from the perspective of general infringement act and special infringement act .

  29. 首先集中论述了一般侵权行为法的归责原则体系,认为该体系应包括过错责任原则、无过错责任原则以及公平责任原则。

    Beginning with a focus on the general principles of tort law liability system , I think the system should include the principle of fault liability , the principle of no-fault liability as well as the principle of equitable duty .

  30. 第三部分,从共同侵权行为应先具备一般侵权行为的构成要件这一立足点出发,首先研究了一般侵权行为的四个构成要件,即违法行为、损害事实、因果关系、主观过错。

    From the third part , we know that joint act of tort should have the general constituent element of infringement , that is , unlawful act , injury fact , relationship between cause and effect , and subjective fault .