
  • 网络a pool
  1. 你浸在一池汩汩冒泡的温泉里。

    You 're soaking in a pool of bubbling hot water .

  2. 一池秋波,碎了曲曲柔肠!

    A pool of Akinami , broken after another Rouchang !

  3. 意大利Windows帮助保持市场的透明度,使一池的美景和花园,同时兼任墙上升。

    Italian windows help maintain transparency , giving a magnificent view of the pool and the garden while doubling up as walls as well .

  4. 荡漾而无语,守住了这一池的幸福。

    Ripple but have no language , guarded happiness of this pond .

  5. 阴极周围是一池水银。

    A pool of mercury surrounds the negative electrode .

  6. 满天繁星,象一池银色的米诺鱼。

    It was as thick with stars as a pool of silver minnows .

  7. 它就像一池的春水,让鱼儿离不开。

    Its surface like a pool , so that fish can not do without .

  8. 平转身:运动员到达每一池壁时的转身。

    Turn : The turnaround by a swimmer at each end of the pool .

  9. 在充分的披露,我没有亲自买了一池表从易趣。

    In full disclosure , I haven 't personally bought a pool table from Ebay .

  10. 这个备受迫害的女神无意间发现山谷底有一池清水。

    By chance the persecuted goddess espied in the bottom of the valley a pond of clear water .

  11. 一池清水,因为风吹,泛起了苍老的皱纹。我的眼泪因为想你憔悴如雨。

    A pool rinsing , because the wind , wrinkled old wrinkles , my tears because I wanted you haggard rain .

  12. 普儿的黑眼珠里有落日的嫣红,温驯地走到一池深红、玫瑰红、紫红的水边。

    Platero , his dark eyes scarlet from the sunset , walks off gently to a pool of crimson and rose and violet waters ;

  13. 虽然大白鲨并没有攻击同处一池中的其它同类,但水族管理员还是把其他翅鲨挪到了另一水池,以保证其安全。

    The great white has not attacked other tank mates , and officials have moved other soupfin sharks to another tank for their safety .

  14. 就像潜入一池冷水中一样,这会让人战栗,也会让人清醒,准备好做一些适当的工作。

    It was like diving into a pool of cold water , which leaves one shocked and sobered , but braced for some proper work .

  15. 对农村实行一池三改工程进行了详细的效益分析,并对如东县进行了具体的建设规划。

    The benefit was detailedly analyzed for " Three change for one pool " for the countries , where the concrete building program was made .

  16. 池底布满了腐烂的橡树枝和杨树叶,泉水呈琥珀色,象是这些枝叶浸泡出的,淡淡的一池茶。

    The spring bottom was covered with rotting oak and poplar leaves and the water was amber like a weak steeping of them , a tea .

  17. 你的大脑,聪明的计算机,立即把这样看似荒诞的图像置换成为更加能察觉的:一池的清水。

    Your brain , being the clever little computer that it is , swaps this mad image out for something more sensible : a pool of water .

  18. 一池三山的园林模式发源于秦代神仙思想,这种园林自然意识具有浪漫主义的倾向,不是真切的现实自然界的观照,而是一种神仙色彩的理想自然认识。

    This natural awareness of the garden art have the romantic tendencies , not the true reflection of the reality itself , but the ideal natural cognition of the immortal color .

  19. 设计采用了一池三山的中国古典园林的布局模式,采用挖池堆山的方式创建自然山水的风景理念。

    The design adopts Chinese classical garden layout of " one pond surrounded by hills " . The idea of digging pond to pile hills to create the natural landscape is also adopted .

  20. 不朽的坦塔罗斯,犯下滔天罪行,并有从神偷菜,坐在一池清澈的水从他每一次弯腰后退喝。

    Immortal Tantalus , having committed unspeakable crimes and having stolen food from the gods , sits in a pool of crystal clear water that recedes from him each time bends to drink .

  21. 小美人鱼雕像在上海世博园丹麦馆展出这个已有96年历史的雕像是丹麦馆的核心展品。她出奇得小,仅1.5米高,她的周围环绕着不远万里从哥本哈根运来的一池碧波。

    The surprisingly small 96-year-old statue -- just 5 feet , or 1.5 meters tall -- is the centerpiece of the Denmark Pavilion . It sits in a pool of water , also lugged all the way from Copenhagen .

  22. 现在,英国只需要一池深厚的人民币储备,向中国人民银行争取到慷慨的外汇掉期额度,一张诱人的人民币证券的列表,以及一个易于销售,引人注目且具有地方特色的名字。

    Now all it needs is a deep pool of yuan deposits , a generous swap line with the PBOC , an enticing menu of yuan securities , and a catchy , local name with which to market them .

  23. 如果要清空一个池,就要使用那个接收集合的API(传入一个null集合)。

    For clearing a pool , the one taking a set ( with null Set ) should be used .

  24. 由于Destiny希望这些池表示CreativeGenius与之协作的外部组织,她需要另一个池。

    Because Destiny wants pools to represent each of the outside organizations that CreativeGenius collaborates with , she needs another pool .

  25. 比较了同一养殖池中的感染白斑综合征病毒(WSSV)和未感染WSSV的凡纳滨对虾的肠道菌群,旨在探讨对虾肠道菌群与机体健康状态之间的关系。

    The present study was to investigate the relationship between white spot syndrome virus ( WSSV ) outbreak in shrimp intestine .

  26. 它在概念上十分简单,但在实现和使用一个池时,却需要注意几个问题,例如死锁、资源不足和wait()及notify()的复杂性。

    It is quite straightforward in concept , but there are several issues to watch for when implementing and using one , such as deadlock , resource thrashing , and the complexities of wait () and notify () .

  27. Outspent燃料放在一个池冷却下来,然后被运送到一个存储单元。

    Outspent fuel is placed to a cooling down pond and then is transported to a storage cell .

  28. 在R-KPS中,每个节点有可能成为其它任何节点的邻居,所以节点必须从同一密钥池中选取密钥。

    In R-KPS every node should choose key chain from the same key pool because they are equally likely to be neighbors .

  29. 本研究中从广西壮族自治区隆安县一沼气池内筛选到一株能以甲醇为唯一碳源生长的甲基营养型细菌MB200。

    A strain that can grow with methanol as the sole source of carbon , MB200 , was isolated from the soil samples at a digester of Longan GuangXi .

  30. 但硅谷的风投正忙于补充这一股池。

    But Silicon Valley venture capitalists are busy replenishing the pool .