
  1. 交流与碰撞&北京土地一级开发高层论坛观点摘录数字微波通信电子反对抗研究

    Study of electronic counter - counter measures in digital microwave communication

  2. 建筑企业增长战略与土地一级开发互动模式的研究

    Growth Strategy of Construction Enterprises and the Primary Land Development

  3. 城市土地一级开发的收益与风险平衡研究

    Study on the Balance between Income and Risk in Urban Land First-level Development

  4. 地铁沿线土地一级开发中的矛盾分析

    Analysis of Contradictions in Primary Land Development along Metro

  5. 激励性规制视角下的土地一级开发政策的比较研究

    Comparison of First-Development Policies from Stimulant Regulation

  6. 谁主宰楼市:土地一级开发孕育拿地新特权?

    Who dominate the market : the level of development of land use to foster new privileges ?

  7. 土地储备贷款的借款人仅限于负责土地一级开发的机构。

    The borrowers of land reservation loans shall be only limited to the institutions responsible for the first-class land development .

  8. 土地一级开发是政府经营城市、发展城市、实现统筹城乡一体化建设的重要手段,其开发收益又是政府进行城市建设和发展的主要资金来源。

    The primary land development is an important method of city management , urban development , and overall urban-rural integration for the government .

  9. 一级开发大柳树高土石坝存在地下洞室的施工风险、高边坡的稳定风险、建筑物地震风险及工程投资风险。

    However , there exist several risks concerning construction of underground cavern ; stability of high slope , structural earthquake as well as project investment .

  10. 企业针对土地一级开发项目风险所制定的控制决策及控制决策执行效果,将直接影响企业投资目标的实现。

    The risk control dicisions that corporation made to reduce the risks and the effects of those decisions will affect the realization of the investment aims of corporations .

  11. 通过对一级开发项目经济可行性的影响因素的敏感度分析发现,土地价格对一级土地开发项目的经济可行性影响是巨大的。

    Factor sensitivity analysis of the economic feasibility of level of urban land development projects shows that the impact of land price on such projects is very great .

  12. 本文从理论的角度出发,对建筑企业进入土地一级开发领域的现实条件、可能性、运营模式、收益环节等进行了详细分析。

    This article analyzes in detail to the practical conditions , possibilities , operating mode and the profit pattern for construction enterprises entering the field of primary land developing in theory .

  13. 由于本文的研究引用了建筑企业进行土地一级开发的实际案例,并对相关经济参数进行了具体分析,因此对于建筑企业通过相关开发模式转变企业增长战略具有一定的借鉴意义。

    The research is based on the practical land development cases , so it can be a reference for construction enterprises to transform growth path through some modes related to primary land development .

  14. 南通地处长江三角洲北隅的沿江沿海交界处,位于我国一级开发轴线T型的顶点,与中国最大的国际贸易中心上海隔江相望。

    It also located at the peak of the first-grade development axis " T " of our country . It separates Yangtze River with Shanghai , the largest international trade center in China .

  15. 通过对黄河黑山峡河段二级开发和一级开发方案的综合分析比较,得出的基本结论是二级开发比一级开发经济合理。

    By comprehensive analysis and comparison between the two-stage and one-stage developments in the Heishanxia reach of yellow river , it is concluded that the two-stage development is more economic and reasonable than one-stage development .

  16. 并结合土地一级开发的实际案例,对于土地一级开发如何促进建筑企业开辟新的收益来源,提高利润率,将经营范围向产业链的上下游延伸作了具体论证。

    Besides , the article also discusses the way of how the primary land development promoting construction enterprises to exploit profit source , improve the profit margin and extend the manage scope through the practical land developing cases .

  17. 从而证实了土地一级开发模式对于建筑企业提高综合能力,改变单一施工承包者的身份,最终使企业经济增长方式发生结构性转变具有重要的推动作用。

    Through the research above this article verifies the significant effect of the primary land development mode to promote construction enterprises turning from contractor only into modern , comprehensive corporation , then ultimately transforming the economic growth path radically .

  18. 南京水利科学研究院对一级开发大柳树粘土斜心墙堆石坝和混凝土面板堆石坝进行了三维非线性有限元静、动力计算;

    The dynamic and static calculations of three-dimensional nonlinear finite for one-stage development of the earth-rockfill dam with an inclined clay core wall and the concrete face rock-fill dam have been made by Nanjing Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research .

  19. 伴随改革开放以来的快速城镇化,原有的城镇土地利用总体规划模式已不能满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需要,在这样的时代背景下,城镇改造土地一级开发项目应运而生。

    Original overall model for urban land use planning has failed to satisfy people s growing material and cultural needs with rapid urbanization since China s reform and opening up . Under such background , primary land development projects emerge in cities .

  20. 在经历了CGI,ASP,JSP之后,SUN公司整合多种技术标准提出了J2EE这一企业级开发平台,已非常成熟,并得到飞速发展。

    After CGI , ASP and JSP , based on integrating technology standards , the SUN company put forward a business-level development platform , J2EE .

  21. 基于灰色系统理论的一级土地开发项目价格预测研究

    Study on the Price Forecast of Level of Urban Land Development Based on the Grey System Theory

  22. 同时也说明本理论对于区域土地价格及一级土地开发项目经济性分析具有很强的实际意义。

    Also it shows that the theory has a strong practical significance in regional land prices and economic feasibility study of land development projects .

  23. cBSS系统基于三层结构和运用一级架构理念开发而成,应用部署将页面应用及业务逻辑划分为两个独立的集群,数据部署按省分区域划分为全国8个大区。

    The page application and business logic were divided into two independent clusters by application deployment . The whole country is divided into eight major areas by data development .

  24. 工控组态软件用于对工业控制中的数据采集与过程控制功能进行组态,是自动控制系统监控层一级的软件开发环境。

    The configuration software for industrial control is used to configurate the data acquisition and process control functions of industrial control system , which is the software development environment at monitoring and control level of automatic control system .

  25. 应用协整检验和葛兰杰因果关系检验法,研究了上海市2001~2003年住宅一级市场(住宅开发、销售市场)与二级市场(存量房交易市场)之间价格的关系。

    Using cointegration relationship test and Granger causality test , some conclusions about relationship between commercial housing sale price and existing property bargain price in Shanghai are obtained .

  26. 江西修水县是一个国家级扶贫开发重点县,旅游资源丰富,但其旅游资源开发尚处在初级阶段,存在诸多问题。

    The Xiushui county in Jiangxi Province is a national poverty county with rich tourism resources , however , the development is not only still in its infancy but unveils many problems .

  27. 住宅市场包括住宅一级市场和住宅二级市场,住宅一级市场指新开发商品房市场,住宅二级市场是指再转让商品房市场。

    Housing market is divided into primary market and secondary market . The former is the market of newly-developed commodity apartment , while the latter means the market of second-hand commodity market .