
  • 网络organize the masses
  1. 我们必须找到能够组织群众的人。

    We have to find someone who can organize the masses .

  2. 一种QoS感知的语义Web服务组合群决策算法组织群众、宣传群众、教育群众、服务群众

    A group decision making algorithm for QoS-aware semantic Web service composition Mobilize , inform , educate and serve the people

  3. 第一是发动群众,在发动群众中组织群众、武装群众;

    First , organize and arm the masses while arousing them .

  4. 灾害爆发后,一定要迅速恢复和强化政法机关的职能活动,组织群众开展群防群治。

    Reviving and strengthening the function of the law enforcement agencies in organizing mass prevention-control ;

  5. 目前我们在经济上组织群众的最重要形式,就是合作社。

    The co-operatives are now the most important form of mass organization in the economic field .

  6. 群育:集体主义教育不可或缺的因素组织群众、宣传群众、教育群众、服务群众

    Mass Education : An Indispensable Factor for Collectivism Education ; Mobilize , inform , educate and serve the people

  7. 发动群众、组织群众、教育群众的工作是困难的,是需要时间的,不能要求过急。

    Arousing , organizing and educating the masses is a difficult task and takes time , not to be accomplished in a short period .

  8. 不放松一刻工夫一个机会去宣传群众,组织群众,武装群众。可塑造性的群众适于对他们进行宣传。

    They must never for a moment relax or miss a single opportunity to do propaganda among the masses and to organize and arm them .

  9. 群众团体的经费,应逐渐做到自给,政府给以足够的津贴。组织群众、宣传群众、教育群众、服务群众

    Mass organizations should gradually become financially self-supporting , but the government will provide them with adequate subsidies . Mobilize , inform , educate and serve the people

  10. 广大党员是党执政的主体力量,也是少数民族的党员干部组织群众、宣传群众、服务群众的主力军。

    The general party members are the main body strengths , but also the main armies that the party members organize , propagandize and serve the populace .

  11. 国家根据国防需要,动员和组织群众采取防护措施,防范和减轻空袭危害。

    In light of the need of national defense , the State mobilizes and organizes the masses to take protective measures for preventing or minimizing damage caused by air raid .

  12. 太岳、太行区一般应在今年内克服不平衡,完成发动群众与组织群众的任务。

    In the Taiyue and Taihang areas we should solve the problem of uneven development and arouse the masses and get them organized , for the most part , during this year .

  13. 提出化学事故应急救援中的基本任务是控制危险源,抢救受害人员,指导并组织群众疏散、自救和做好事故现场清理洗消工作,消除危害后果;

    The basic tasks in emergency rescue of chemical accident are to control the risk sources , to rescue victims , to organize evacuation and self-rescue , field cleaning and to eliminate the outcome of catastrophe .

  14. 发生草原火灾,应当迅速组织群众扑灭,查明火灾原因和损失情况,及时处理。

    When a grassland fire breaks out , masses of people should be organized promptly to put it out , the cause of the fire and the losses sustained should be determined through investigation and the case should be handled without delay .

  15. 党组织从群众中选拔积极分子。

    The Party organization singled out the activists from the masses .

  16. 工会组织开展群众性经济技术创新活动浅议

    The Trade Union Develops the Activity of Mass Economic Technological Innovations

  17. 要组成一个团体,未加组织的群众只会一片混乱而不能成事。

    Form a union ; an unorganized mob can accomplish nothing but chaos .

  18. 政府组织灾区群众重建家园。

    The government organized the people in the ( flood - ) stricken area to rebuild their homes .

  19. 知青史,即知识青年上山下乡史,是中华人民共和国建立以来持续时间最长的一场由官方组织的群众性运动史。

    The Chinese educated urban youth ' history was known as the longest officially organized mass movement history since the establishment of PRC .

  20. 只有相信和依靠人民群众、发动和组织人民群众,才能完成和实现社会发展的任务;

    Only believe and depend on the people , mobilize and organize the people , could finish and realize the task of the social development ;

  21. 提升党的执政能力,从根本上说,是提升党动员和组织人民群众建设社会主义现代化国家的本领和水平。

    At bottom , promoting our Party 's ruling ability is to improve our Party 's ability to initiate and organize the masses to achieve the socialist modernization of the country .

  22. 最广泛地动员和组织人民群众依法管理国家和社会事务,管理经济和文化事业,维护和实现人民群众的根本利益。

    She mobilizes and organizes them on a most extensive scale to manage state and social affairs and economic and cultural undertakings according to law , safeguarding and realizing their fundamental interests .

  23. 答:言论上指出投降主义的危险,行动上组织人民群众制止投降运动。

    Answer : Both by words , that is , by exposing the danger of capitulationism , and by deeds , that is , by organizing the masses to stop the capitulationist activities .

  24. 劳动竞赛是工会组织职工群众开展群众性生产活动的重要载体,是培养和激发职工智慧和创造力最生动、最直接的途径。

    Labor contest is an important carrier for trade union to organize multitude productive activities as well as the most vivid and direct way to train and motivate the wisdom and creativity of employees .

  25. 使19世纪末20世纪初,资本主义从自由竞争发展到垄断,生产技术、阶级结构、社会管理、科技组织、群众心理都发生重大变化。

    From the end of the 19th century to the early 20th century , the capitalist social system had developed from free competition to monopoly . Production technology , class structure , social management , scientific organizations and the mass psychology have all undergone great changes .

  26. 第一,从组织上动员群众。

    Firstly , mobilize the masses by various organizational means .

  27. 拓展企业党组织与职工群众联系的渠道

    Channels to Expand Party Organization 's Contact with Staff and Workers in Enterprises

  28. 战时组织指挥人民群众进行防空袭斗争。

    And in wartime , organizing and directing people to protect themselves against air-raids .

  29. 三是发动和组织了职工群众开展劳动竞赛,促进国家计划的超额完成;

    Third , organized labor emulation drives and mobilized workers and staff to overfulfill state plans ;

  30. 六,建立专业服务组织,畅通群众反映问题的渠道;

    Sixth , establishing special service sectors to smooth the channels for the farmers to report their problems ;