
  • 网络oriental beauty
  1. 对于“新丝路”CEO李小白来说,唐雯是“东方美”的典型代表。

    For NSR 's CEO Li Xiaobai , Tang represents a typical " oriental beauty " .

  2. 世人评论许秦豪的电影,都称其有一种东方美的呈现。

    The world Jin-ho Hur movies , have called it a beautiful present .

  3. 我希望我能做好工作,把东方美带到西方。

    I hope I can do a good job and bring the beauty of the East to the West .

  4. 文言文滥觞于诗,而“诗”则自始至终给予文言文以滋养,使得中国文学充满东方美。

    Old Chinese Writings came from poem , and poem gave the Old Chinese Writings nourishment from A to Z.This made Chinese literature full of Eastern beauty .