
  • 网络A sense of ritual;Ceremony feeling
  1. 他对神秘的仪式感兴趣。

    He is interested in mystic rites and ceremonies .

  2. 都从一种共同的仪式感中创立了伟大的公共体验。

    Both of them create great public experiences of shared ritual .

  3. 这种固守是和架上绘画的仪式感分不开的。

    This persistence is related to a sense of ritual in easel painting .

  4. 词条解释:一个人过年也要好好吃饭!许多饭店推出了供单人和双人选择的小份制年夜饭豪华套餐,让就地过年也能过出仪式感和满足感。

    Many restaurants have added a New Year 's Eve meal-for-one and meal-for-two to their menus to attract customers .

  5. 其他人可能会觉得我们的家庭生活枯燥,我喜欢这种仪式带来的安全感,以及当我上床睡觉时清楚地知道,第二天几乎和前一天完全相同。

    Others might judge our family life dull ; I liked the safeness of its rituals , and the sure knowledge when I went to bed that the next day would be almost precisely the same as the day before .

  6. 后者或者以完整的仪式形态保留在戏剧里,或者以一种仪式感存在于戏剧中。

    Ritual either is reserved in drama in the complete form of ritual , or exist in the sense of ritual .