
yuè duì zhǐ huī
  • conductor;bandleader;bandmaster;music director
  1. 乐队指挥飞快地扫了威尔弗雷德一眼,然后视线又落回到迈克尔身上。

    The conductor 's eyes darted to Wilfred , then fixed on Michael again .

  2. 乐队指挥用指挥棒打拍子。

    With the baton the conductor was beating time .

  3. 当乐队指挥洛林•马泽尔(LorinMaazel)介绍下一首曲目时,气氛发生了变化。

    The mood changed when Lorin Maazel , music director , turned to introduce the next piece .

  4. 甚至连看似简单的跟随乐队指挥的手势都成了一个问题,虽然2008年她在旧金山歌剧院(SanFranciscoOpera)表演斯图尔特·华莱士(StewartWallace)的《接骨师的女儿》(TheBonesetter’sDaughter)时就碰到过这个麻烦。

    Even the seemingly simple matter of responding to the gestures of a conductor - though she also encountered it while performing in Stewart Wallace 's " The Bonesetter 's Daughter " at the San Francisco Opera in 2008 - poses problems .

  5. 前乐队指挥ItayTalman在TED大会上的讲演中向我们播放了几种不同类型的指挥视频,讨论了他们的风格对于其领导的“团队”的影响。

    In his TED talk , former conductor Itay Talgam shows us video of several types of conductors , and talks about what their style does to the " teams " they lead .

  6. 那歌唱家被乐队指挥从舞台上引走。

    The singer was led off the stage by the maestro .

  7. 乐队指挥善于使表演者奏协调。

    The conductor is good at keeping the players together .

  8. 乐队指挥是一个严肃的人。

    The process of conducting such a test ; experimentation .

  9. 他是指挥,歌剧乐队指挥。

    He 's a conductor . he 's conducting at the opera .

  10. 乐队指挥要求乐队加快演奏的速度。

    The conductor urged the band to pick it up .

  11. 我记得我在伦敦首次担任乐队指挥时的情景。

    I remember when I first conducted in london .

  12. 乐队指挥请独奏者上前谢幕。

    The conductor had the soloists take a curtain .

  13. 乐队指挥暗示鼓手们敲起来。

    The band director cued the drums to begin .

  14. 乐队指挥使用的指挥一只管弦乐队。

    Used by a conductor to direct an orchestra .

  15. 暗下决心要当乐队指挥

    Have a sneaking ambition to become an orchestra conductor

  16. 乐队指挥指挥着整个乐团的乐手。

    The conductor directs the whole group of musicians .

  17. 现在让管弦乐队指挥做好准备。

    Now , cue me orchestra director in .

  18. 片刻的寂静,乐队指挥殷勤地为她改变了拍子。

    A momentary hush ; the orchestra leader varies his rhythm obligingly for her .

  19. 曼希沃是一位演奏家,他的父亲约翰·米希尔是著名的乐队指挥。

    Melchior Krafft was a virtuoso , his father Jean Michel a famous conductor .

  20. 当队员们开始行进时,乐队指挥做手势让乐队开始演奏。

    When the team began to march the hand director struck up the band .

  21. 最终,油漆匠、乐队指挥和英国飞行员们一起飞向了中立国瑞士。

    Finally , the painter , conductor and a British pilots fly to a neutral Switzerland .

  22. 她是学校的乐队指挥。

    She was a majorette .

  23. 相反,他停了一会儿,闭上眼睛,然后示意乐队指挥重新开始演奏。

    Instead , he waited a moment , closed his eyes then signaled the conductor to begin again .

  24. 乐队指挥请独奏者上前谢幕。女演员正在一次又一次地谢幕。

    The conductor had the soloists take a curtain . The actress was bowing her thanks again and again .

  25. 然而,也是在维也纳,兰内尔和施特劳斯,却作为乐队指挥和作曲者而发迹起家。

    However , it was also in Vienna that Lanner and Strauss made their fortunes as bandleaders and composers .

  26. 哪一天都要学会“弹钢琴”,学会当乐队指挥。

    Every day we should learn more about " playing the piano " and " being an orchestra conductor " .

  27. 乐队指挥使用信号和手势让音乐家们知道乐曲的各个部分何时演奏。

    A conductor uses signals and gestures to let the musicians know when to play carious parts of a composition .

  28. 约翰现同父母住在纽约市;他不担任乐队指挥已经三年了。

    John is now with his parents in New York City ; it is3 years since he was a bandmaster .

  29. 哈齐富豪家族乐队指挥,并写了大量各种不同的乐曲。

    In1761 Haydn was made musical director to the rich Esterhazy family , and composed vast amounts of music of many kinds .

  30. 台州市人民政府机关用房建设指挥部那歌唱家被乐队指挥从舞台上引走。

    " Command of Office Building Construction , Taizhou Municipal People 's Government " The singer was led off the stage by the maestro .