
  • 网络AVEO
  1. 内饰上,AVEO乐骋以全球最流行的内饰设计元素,将时尚动感个性在细节处尽情展现。

    AVEO ′ s interior incorporates the most fashionable international design elements and fully exhibits its vigorous and stylish character in every detail .

  2. 在设计和乘坐舒适度等方面,新款索尼克都填补了乐骋的空白。

    Not surprisingly , the new sonic offers many of the design and comfort features that the Aveo lacked .

  3. 为了将风噪,道路和引擎噪音减到最少,乐骋在车顶夹层和地板之下及车门和仪表板里,嵌镶上许多的隔音绝缘填充物。

    To minimize wind , road and engine noise , there 's a lot of sound insulation located under the hood and floor , and in the doors and dash panel .