
  • 网络fun
  1. strawberryn.草莓她在玩“佩奇在中间”的这个游戏,“妈妈,丢给我”佩琪开心地喊道。在花园里面玩,真是乐趣无穷。

    She plays piggy-in-the-middle . " Throw it to me , Mummy ! " Being in the garden is so much fun .

  2. 虽然MP3和网上聊天乐趣无穷,可大多数公司不喜欢你在工作时间使用它们。

    Although MP3 's and on-line chat are lots of fun , most companies don 't like you use them at work during work time .

  3. 我觉得能完成别人认为不可能的事乐趣无穷。

    I think it is great fun to do the impossible .

  4. 我们顽皮的一面会感觉那些故事乐趣无穷。

    Our playful energies find the stories to be great fun .

  5. 生命多美好啊!体育锻炼乐趣无穷。

    How good life is ! Physical exercise brings infinite enjoyment .

  6. 当然看一位大师级人物工作也同样是乐趣无穷。

    It 's fun to watch the master at work , too .

  7. 我的妈妈为一家人做饭,乐趣无穷。

    My mother has a lot of fun cooking for the family .

  8. 事实上,它们的乐趣无穷。

    In fact , they 're a ton of fun .

  9. 祝你度过一个乐趣无穷、轻轻松松、欢乐美妙的假日!

    Have a wonderful holiday filled with fun and relaxation ! Enjoy !

  10. 如果你愿意尝试的话,生活可以带你去往很多乐趣无穷的地方。

    Life can lead you to some funny places if you let it .

  11. 我们一起会乐趣无穷。

    How much fun it 's gonna be together .

  12. 她觉得骑自行车乐趣无穷。

    She found no small delight in bike riding .

  13. 有她在身边让我觉得乐趣无穷。

    She is really fun to be around .

  14. 学习外语应该是乐趣无穷的。

    Learning foreign languages should be fun .

  15. 沿着德文郡蜿蜒的乡间小路驾车本身就乐趣无穷。

    Driving along Devon 's winding country lanes is a treat all of its own .

  16. 湖畔垂钓,乐趣无穷

    Lakeside Fishing , Long - lasting Fun

  17. 读一本好书乐趣无穷,关键在于克服词汇障碍。

    Reading great books is fun . The key is getting past the initial vocabulary barrier .

  18. 但改变的过程可以是很享受的,如同最终实现改变一样乐趣无穷,令人兴奋。

    However , the change process can be as enjoyable , as fun as exciting as ultimately achieving the change .

  19. 除了书籍,还有缤纷多彩乐趣无穷的杂志e-kids,专为阿航的年轻乘客提供。

    Along with the book , there 's a fun and colourful magazine – e-kids-produc e d exclusively for Emirates'young fliers .

  20. 他们两个在一起很般配,跟他们在一起总是乐趣无穷,笑声不断。

    They make a lovely couple , are great fun to be with and we 've had a lot of laughs together .

  21. 我这个老爸有时会对裁判表达不满,萨沙因而常常朝我翻白眼,即便如此,我依然觉得乐趣无穷。

    And it was great fun – even if Sasha rolled her eyes occasionally when her dad voiced his displeasure with the refs .

  22. 菲亚特500敞篷版今年夏天,菲亚特500所到之处都会成为热门话题,它的敞篷版更是乐趣无穷。

    The 500 will be a hot conversational topic wherever it goes this summer , and the Cabrio dials up the fun factor .

  23. 小丑、特技人、马和狮子,当马戏团进到城里去你会觉得乐趣无穷。

    Clowns , acrobats , horses and lions . You 'll have lots of fun when the circus comes to town in this song .

  24. 与我的家人一起度过圣诞节和新年实在乐趣无穷,以至于我忽略了更新博客。

    I have been having so much fun spending time with my family for Christmas and New Year 's that I have neglected updating my blog .

  25. 赶紧让事务井然有序,完成工作。你很快就会获得乐趣无穷的邀约。

    Hurry to get your affairs in order . Finish off the job . You 'll soon get an invitation that will be a lot more fun .

  26. 只凭我一己之力时我也乐趣无穷。一万美元,一百万美元和一千万美元对我都没有什么不同。

    I was having fun as I went along and it didn 't matter whether I had 10000 dollars or a million dollars or ten million dollars ,

  27. 这样做乐趣无穷,且让我幸福,让我满足,让我能求得内心的宁静。

    What 's more , I have found it fun ; fun that has brought me a lot of happiness , a lot of contentment , and a lot of peace .

  28. 相反,他每天翻土、锄地,在花园的小路上散布,冬天种植蔬菜和土豆,夏天种植玫瑰,乐趣无穷。

    Instead of " exercising , " he dug and hoed and roamed the pathways of his garden , growing vegetables that kept our family of four in potatoes through many winters and roses that were the joy of many summers .

  29. 青松宾馆,依山傍海,空气清新,爬山游泳,乐趣无穷,欢迎企事业单位前来洽谈。

    Pine Hotel , located at the foot of a hill Beside the sea and Bathed in the fresh air , affords a good peace for people to climB and swim with inexhaustible fun . Enterprises and institutions are welcome to make inquiries .

  30. 它的口号是“为了乐趣无穷的未来而战!”。Bublik的主人还表示这个小家伙很想和海外的尊敬同僚汉克友好击掌。尽管发起人并未明确表示Bublic最终选上与否,但是成功的可能性也不大。

    His catchy slogan was " For a Fun Future ! " Bublik 's owner also stated the kitten is willing to extend a friendly paw to Hank , his esteemed colleague overseas.Although sources don 't state whether Bublik actually got elected , it seems unlikely .