
  • whiskers;beard;sideburns
  1. 所有的女士都会喜欢络腮胡,她们会要求自己的丈夫给你投票,这样你就能成为总统了。

    All the ladies like whiskers and they would tease their husbands to vote for you and then you would be President .

  2. 从络腮胡中发出的声音带有浓重的鼻音,但也是温和愉快的。他搀扶着她的手显得既坚定又有礼貌。

    The voice issuing from the whiskers had the same nasal twang but was kind and pleasant and his hand was firm and respectful .

  3. 在警察的报告中说,1974年佛罗里达9岁的受害者LakeWales告诉警察侵害人满脸是浓密络腮胡和胡子。

    In1974 , the9-year-old Lake Wales , Florida , victim had told police that his attacker had bushy sideburns and a mustache .

  4. 他有一脸修得齐整得络腮胡和一间凌乱的办公室。

    He has a neatly trimmed beard and a messy office .

  5. 事实上,络腮胡变成了一种中产阶级男性的标志。

    Indeed , beards became an emblem of bourgeois masculinity .

  6. 他嘴上有胡须,不过没有络腮胡。

    He has a moustache , but no beard .

  7. 络腮胡成为了他们超脱凡俗的个人品牌的一部分。

    Their beards became part of their larger-than-life brand .

  8. 问得好。他的嘴上有胡须,不过没有络腮胡。

    Good question . Yes , he has a moustache , but no beard .

  9. 嬉皮士有什么?络腮胡和博客

    Hipsters have ? Beard and a blog .

  10. 他用留有络腮胡的脸亲了她一下。

    He gave her a whiskery kiss .

  11. 资本家害怕络腮胡。

    Beards were scary to capitalists .

  12. 络腮胡和愁云惨雾

    Beard and so much sadness .

  13. 38岁的本高特又高又瘦,留着短茬络腮胡,带着从容的笑意。

    Bangalter , 38 , is tall and lean , with a light beard and an easy smile ;

  14. 在近现代的多数时间里,络腮胡和小胡子只存活在社会的边缘。

    For most of the modern era , beards and mustaches grew only at the margins of society .

  15. 董事会上的络腮胡,在历史上一直是资本主义与其批判者的势力对比晴雨表。

    Historically , beards in the boardroom have been a barometer of the relative vitality of capitalism and its critics .

  16. 大多认为他人高马大,长着一头浓密的头发,畜着长长的络腮胡。

    Most accounts describe him as tall and strong with a flowing mane of hair and a long , bushy beard .

  17. 从1870年代开始,世界各地的无产者掀起了反抗的风潮,新一代劳工激进分子留着又长又乱的络腮胡。

    From the 1870s onward , as the workers ' rebellion revived internationally , a new wave of labor radicals sported long , unruly beards .

  18. 当致力于摧毁资本主义的力量占据优势——或者在受到充分监管的,没有面孔的大企业充当经济生活的主角时——络腮胡消身匿迹。

    But when forces bent on destroying capitalism have been ascendant - or when well-regulated , faceless corporations have defined economic life - beards have waned .

  19. 我想我的孩子应该是第一批长不出络腮胡的维京人吧。

    In fact , I think my kids will be the first Vikings who will have a hard time growing a beard when they become older .

  20. 他们或把他们的眼镜换成粗框,或把他们的头发烫卷,再让络腮胡长出来。

    They probably traded in their glasses for a slightly thicker frame , let their hair grow out just a bit and let their stubble come in .

  21. 自由市场思想已经没有值得一提的敌人,再加上科技世界那些如日中天的创业家们的推动,于是络腮胡重现商界。

    With free market ideology essentially unopposed by any major power and energized by the entrepreneurial swagger of the technology world , beards are back in business .

  22. 思嘉的全部神经充满了仇恨,就像那天她把枪筒对准那个长满络腮胡的北方佬面孔开火时似的。

    All her nerves hummed with hate , as they had hummed that day when she shoved the pistol barrel into the yankee 's bearded face and fired .

  23. 最前面的马上是一个大块头的鬼,长着络腮胡的脑袋夹在胳膊底下,吹着号角。

    At the front of the pack was a large ghost who held his bearded head under his arm , from which position he was blowing the horn .

  24. 三个相机络腮胡不能做成一个杂像空位标志,尽管合成时允许这麽做。

    Three Camera Beards cannot be crafted into a Misc Token , despite the fact that the option to Fabricate Slot Token can be discovered when attempting to do so .

  25. 2009年,当时单身的克洛伊梅奥匆忙完成了一副油画作品,画中的她和一个长相英俊、留着黑色络腮胡的男子手牵手。

    In 2009 , Chloe Mayo , who was single at the time , quickly dashed off an oil painting of her holding hands with a handsome , dark bearded man .

  26. 我们大可以把满面胡须的商界领袖简单地看做络腮胡潮流的一种延伸,或是职场环境正在变得更随意的又一个例证。

    It 's easy to view the bearded business leader as a mere extension of the overall beard trend , or yet another sign that work environments are becoming more casual .

  27. 新兴的“络腮胡运动”(是的,就叫这个名字)的倡导者们提出,“对络腮胡的禁锢,是一种娘娘腔时尚的专制”,导致这个世界到处是“长着女人脸的男人”。

    Proponents of the new " beard movement " ( yes , it was called that ) argued that " the bondage of the beard to the dictatorship of an effeminate fashion " had yielded a world of " woman-faced men . "

  28. 民间传言说,起初,希特勒蓄有长长的络腮胡,然而,在一战期间,他的络腮胡总会妨碍他戴防毒面具,于是他修了修胡子,留成了牙刷式。

    That is an urban myth . Initially , Hitler wore his mustache long , in the popular handlebar style . But , while fighting in The Great War , it would get in the way of his gas mask . So he trimmed it down to fit . And kept it like that .