
  • 网络WOODEN FRAME;wood frame
木框 [mù kuàng]
  • [box sill] 在木板框架中的砖或混凝土基础,用于木框架房屋建造中

  1. 一种房屋装置,由两面都附有纸或布的木框组成。

    A type of house fitting consisting of a wooden frame covered on both sides with paper or cloth .

  2. 爱德华把我拉到了最左边,让我站到了一张装裱在一个简朴的木框里的小小的方形油画前。

    Edward pulled me toward the far left side , standing me in front of a small square oil painting in a plain wooden frame .

  3. 带木框睡椅(能作床用的两用睡椅除外)

    Couch with wooden frames ( excl. those convertible into beds )

  4. 我们可以生产各种以玉米皮为原料的木框座垫。

    We can produce various wood-frame cushions with corn bracts as materials .

  5. 当干草松散地在高高的木框边翻落下来时,罗拉就把它踩实。

    It came tumbling loosely over the high edge and Laura trampled it down .

  6. 看上去你只是用了这些箱子上的木框。

    Sammy : Look like you just make some wood squares from these boxes here .

  7. 原来是手造纸所用的手模上的活动木框。

    It was originally the movable wooden frame on the hand-mould used for paper making .

  8. 壁炉的木框,描上了仿大理石的花纹,炉里通常是没有火的;

    The chimney was of wood painted to represent marble , and habitually without fire .

  9. 在接下来的第二天清晨,伴随着草地鹨的歌声和凉爽的黎明,罗拉坐在装着大木框的马车跟爸爸下地去了。

    And early the next morning , while the dawn was still cool and meadow-larks were singing , Laura rode to the field with Pa in the hayrack .

  10. 彩绘油画布[即剧场布景、摄影背景幕及类似制品剪栽成形,成卷或固定在木框或金属框上]

    Painted canvas [ i.e. , theatrical scenery , studio backcloths and the like , cut to shape , in rolls or mounted on wooden or metal frames ]

  11. 定旁板:控制造纸机上纸卷湿度的装置。原来是手造纸所用的手模上的活动木框。

    Deckle : A device for fixing the width of a paper-making machine 's web . It was originally the movable wooden frame on the hand-mould used for paper making .

  12. 然后,马车夫愤怒地大吼一声,挣脱了福尔摩斯的掌握,向窗子冲去,他把木框和玻璃撞得粉碎。

    Then with an inarticulate roar of fury , the prisoner wrenched himself free from Holmes 's grasp , and hurled himself through the window . Woodwork and glass gave way before him ;

  13. 省钱贴士:买拥有某个主题(水果、鸟、贝壳、棕榈树)的印花布镶在方形木框里,用钉枪自木框背面将布固定住。

    A money-saving tip : Buy patterned fabric with a theme – fruit , birds , shells , palm trees – mount on square wooden frames , and attach fabric in the back with a staple gun .