
mù ɡōnɡ jī xiè
  • woodworking machinery
  1. 从RPM和CNC技术的应用看木工机械技术的发展前景

    The Forecast of the Woodworking Machinery Technology 's Development from the Application of the RPM and CNC Technology

  2. 通过对当前木工机械教学现状的分析,指出运用计算机技术对教学改革的意义,概述了木工机械CAI软件的开发过程和方法,并深入分析了CAI软件应用于木工机械教学中所产生的深刻影响。

    This paper analyzed situations of woodworking machinery teaching nowadays , indicated the significance of applying computer technology to teaching reformation , summarized the process and method of developing CAI software of woodworking machinery , meanwhile predicted the significant effect of applying CAI software to woodworking machinery teaching .

  3. 本文认为,移植先进RPM和CNC技术是发展木工机械的RPM和CNC制造业的捷径.通过RPM和CNC技术的普及,可以促进木工机械新技术的发展。

    This dissertation believes that grafting advanced RPM and CNC technology is a shortcut of developing the woodworking machinery RPM and CNC manufacturing industry . Popularity of the RPM and CNC technology can accelerate the development of the up - to - date woodworking machinery technology .

  4. 中国木工机械制造业的国际竞争力探讨

    Study on the international competitiveness of China 's woodworking machinery manufacturing

  5. 发达国家和地区木工机械行业概况

    Woodworking Machinery Industry General Situation of Some Developed Countries and Place

  6. 我国林业机械与木工机械行业分类方法探讨

    Discussion about Classification Methods of Forestry and Woodworking Machines in China

  7. 电液步进油缸在木工机械设计中的应用研究

    Application of the electro-hydraulic step cylinder in wood working machinery design

  8. 我国木工机械标准的发展概况、现状及展望

    General situation , status and prospect of Chinese wood processing standard

  9. 木工机械、家具生产成套设备;

    Woodworking machinery , furniture production complete set of equipment ;

  10. 人造板设备与木工机械行业现状及发展趋势

    Status and Trend of Panel Machinery and Wood-working Machinery Industry

  11. 宏-微机器人及其在林业与木工机械的应用

    Macro-micro Manipulator System and Application in Forestry and Woodworking Machinery

  12. 木工机械亏损企业销售环节弊端的宏观分析

    Macroscopic Analysis of Sales Abuse of Loss Woodworking Machinery Enterprise

  13. 学习国外木工机械新技术的方式探讨

    Discussion on learning overseas the new technology of woodworking machinery

  14. 我国木工机械行业的现状与展望

    The Present and Future of China 's Woodworking Machinery Industry

  15. 机械人大战-疯狂冲撞改革开放30年的中国木工机械行业

    China Woodworking Machinery Industry in 30 Years of Reform and Opening up

  16. 木工机械与国内木制品市场热点现状与策略

    Wood Working Machinery and the Hot of Wood Products Market-Tactics

  17. 俄罗斯国内很多公司都生产木工机械。

    A large number of domestic companies produce woodworking equipment .

  18. 木工机械气动元件故障分析及处理

    Pneumatic parts trouble analysis and recovery processing of woodworking machinery

  19. 木工机械平面度检验仪器的不确定度的确定

    Determination of Uncertainty of Planeness Measuring Device for Woodworking Machine

  20. 信阳木机:核心的战略竞争力&采访河南信阳木工机械股份有限公司王耀西总经理

    Xinyang Woodworking Machine : a Core of the Strategic Competition

  21. 唇齿相依:木工机械行业与家具行业

    The Inseparable Relation between Woodworking Industry and Furniture Industry

  22. 木质新材料对木工机械发展的影响

    The Influence of New Woody Materials on the Development of Wood Processing Machinery

  23. 我国木工机械行业发展的探讨1

    Discussion for the development of woodworking machinery in China

  24. 第十届北京国际木工机械及家具材料展一瞥

    A Glimpse of the 10th International Woodworker and Furniture Material Fair , Beijing

  25. 木工机械的噪声及控制

    The Noise and the Control of Carpentry Apparatus

  26. 木工机械安全圆盘锯床第15部分带工件一体进料和人工装载和或卸载

    BS EN1870-15-2004 Safety of woodworking machines-Circular sawing machines-P

  27. 中国木工机械行业面临前所未有的发展机遇

    Developing opportunities of Chinese wood processing machinery industry

  28. 引进先进技术促进木工机械行业发展

    Importing advanced technology and promoting woodworking machinery development

  29. 包括在其他地方未分类的木工机械师和木材业技工。

    This occupation group covers Wood Machinists and Wood Trades Workers not elsewhere classified .

  30. 坚定信心努力推进木工机械强国建设

    Strengening Confidence and Striving to Promote the Construction of a Powerful Woodworking Machinery Country