
mù ǒu xì
  • puppet show/play
木偶戏 [mù ǒu xì]
  • [puppet show] 用木偶来表演故事的戏剧

  1. 学生们奉献了一台哑剧形式的木偶戏。

    Pupils presented a mime and puppet show .

  2. 她的这段表演实在是木偶戏历史上难得一见的一幕

    This bit of her act is really a moment of puppeteering history .

  3. 沙利文先生是一位专业的木偶戏表演者。

    Mr. Sullivan is a professional puppeteer .

  4. 今天,数百万爱好者在观看DVD和卫星转播木偶戏的演出。

    Today , millions of fans watch the latest puppet exploits on DVD and satellite TV .

  5. PunchandJudy木偶戏源于16世纪的意大利喜剧作品剧场。

    VOICE ONE : The Punch and Judy tradition of puppet shows has its roots in the sixteenth century Italian Commedia dell'Arte theater .

  6. 他在想方设法要弄一张木偶戏的票子。

    He was angling for a ticket to the puppet show .

  7. 她正和孩子们表演木偶戏。

    She is leading the children in performing an excellent puppet show .

  8. 他们正在演出的是一场很精彩的木偶戏。

    It is a very fine puppet show they are putting on .

  9. 参与意大利语的木偶戏和音乐剧的演出。

    Where they can participate in puppet shows and musicals in italian .

  10. 木偶戏的演出井然有序,也很规矩。

    The puppet-show was performed with great regularity and decency .

  11. 此被单木偶戏表演惟妙惟肖,扣人心弦。

    This bed sheet punch and judy show is lifelike , exciting .

  12. 浙江泰顺木偶戏的艺术特色

    Artistic Features of Puppet Show in Taishun , Zhejiang

  13. 石阡木偶戏的戏班组织与传承

    The Structure and Inheritance of the Theatrical Troupe for Puppet Show in Shiqian

  14. 石阡民间木偶戏常用唱腔音乐探析

    An Analysis of the Aria Music Commonly Used in Shiqian Folk Puppet Show

  15. 我想木偶戏结束了吧。

    I guess the puppet show 's over then .

  16. 木偶戏就在这阵高昂的调子里开场了。

    On this high note the puppet show commences .

  17. 后面的观众伸长了脖子看木偶戏

    The audience at the back crane their neck to see the puppet show

  18. 传统戏剧有海南戏,临高木偶戏等。

    Hainan 's traditional operas include the Qiong opera and Lingao puppet shows .

  19. 什么,你们想学习木偶戏啊?

    What , you want to learn puppetry ?

  20. 木偶戏运用这种木偶的演出。

    A play or show employing such puppets .

  21. 孩子们表演了一场十分有趣的木偶戏。

    The children staged an entertaining puppet show .

  22. 在日本,木偶戏的传统可以追溯到几百年前。

    In Japan , the tradition of bunraku puppetry dates back hundreds of years .

  23. 我个人呢,是真的很欣赏木偶戏的艺术啦。

    Well , I , for one , really appreciate the art of puppetry .

  24. 我们带着孩子们去看木偶戏时,他们看得全神贯注。

    When we took them to the puppet siiow , the children were all eyes .

  25. 木偶戏木偶非常大。

    A bunraku puppet is quite large .

  26. 木偶戏的发展对以后的戏曲有十分重要的影响。

    The development of marionette had a great influence on the future development of opera .

  27. 我最美好的童年记忆之一就是去看莫斯科木偶戏剧团的演出

    Oh , one of my favorite childhood memories was attending the Moscow Marionette Theater .

  28. 欢迎来看这出木偶戏。

    Welcome to the puppets show .

  29. 这一时期的木偶戏发展的一个重要特点是:明代宫廷水傀儡的发达和民间地方木偶戏的纷纷兴起,出现了遍地开花的景象,汇聚成木偶戏发展的高峰。

    The puppet show in Ming-Qing Dynasty is regarded as a peak in its evolvement history .

  30. 木偶戏与偶戏博物馆

    Puppet Show & Puppet Museum