
  1. 埃迪是一名退伍老兵,每天都在修理游乐园里的各种设施。他觉得自己的存在毫无价值,过得非常苦闷。

    Eddie , a war veteran who spends his days repairing amusement park rides , is less than thrilled with his seemingly pointless existence .

  2. NBA乐园里的10大标志性元素包括:

    NBA Playzone features 10 signature elements :

  3. 人从乐园里驱逐出来的时候,已经体味到这句话了。

    Men have comprehended this saying when expelled from the paradise .

  4. 游乐园里母亲们追逐着自己的孩子。

    The mothers chased around their children in the amusement park .

  5. 他们却仍然以为自己生活在天堂般的乐园里呢。

    They still think that they life in heaven , paradise yet .

  6. 在乐园里我们永不分离。

    In that fair homeland we 'll know no parting .

  7. 孩子们在迪斯尼乐园里玩得极为开心。

    The children had a barrel of fun at Disneyland .

  8. 我们在乐园里待了大约8个小时,这真是激动人心的一天。

    We stayed at the park for about8hours.It was a really exciting day .

  9. 乐园里还有10条滑道和其他让人流连忘返的景点。

    The park offers 10 rides and other attractions .

  10. 很多人都认为佛罗里达的短吻鳄比迪士尼乐园里可爱的米老鼠可怕得的多。

    Some might consider Florida 's alligators to be more frightening than Mickey Mouse .

  11. 喧闹的游乐园里,一切都是有条不紊的。她想要保持一种有条不紊的样子。

    She tried to maintain a businesslike look .

  12. 他被提到乐园里去,听到了不可言传的话,是人不能说出的。

    Was caught up into Paradise and heard ineffable things , which no one may utter .

  13. 但是你也可以自由地漫游在你思维深处的冒险乐园里。

    but you are also free to go roaming around the adventureland inside your own mind .

  14. 主题乐园里的一切如此美丽以至于我们在里面度过了一整天。

    Everything in the theme park was so beautiful that we spent the whole day in it .

  15. 那里的游客能够近距离的在动物乐园里看猩猩。

    Visitors there can pay to get close to watch the gorillas in the animals'traditional home area .

  16. 尤其我们再也不能生活在乐园里的原因就在于此。我们发现的东西太多太多。

    In particular , it is why we no longer live in a garden : We found out too much .

  17. 她住在一个玫瑰色彩的乐园里,那里既没有极度的阴暗,也没有耀眼的光辉。

    She dwelt in a paradise of rosy tints , in which there were neither violent shadows nor glaring lights .

  18. 这部电影的最精彩的部分是克鲁拉·维尔,一迪斯尼乐园里的超级大坏蛋。

    The best part of this movie is Cruella De Vil , one of the greatest Disney villains of all time .

  19. 从此以后,她经常在电视演出,并且到美国,欧洲巡回演唱,甚至在迪士尼世界乐园里演出。

    Since then , she has made TV appearances , gone on American and European tours and performed at Disney World .

  20. 这些在游乐园里的过山车飞快地转着,很多乘坐的人整个过程都大声尖叫。

    Those rides at amusement parks and fairs that zip around so fast that the people riding them scream the whole way .

  21. 北临该城20英里的六旗魔幻山主题乐园里,三只海豚孤独地呆在惊恐中。

    At Six Flags Magic Mountain theme park , 20 miles north of the city , three dolphins were alone with their terror .

  22. 第五天的时候,在一座游乐园里,我们接吻了,此后,就坠入了爱河。

    The block extended to the very water 's edge . On the fifth day , at an amusement park , we kissed .

  23. 在这春光明媚的乐园里,刺激与恐惧带来了快感,暴力是最终的浪漫。

    In this paradise abundant sunlight , stimulus and dread have brought pleasure , while violence turns out to be the ultimate romance .

  24. 脱离肉体或躯壳或现实。脱离实际,生活在一个人工假造的乐园里,伯莎很快活。

    Free from a body or physical form or reality . Living away from the present , in an artificial paradise , Bertha was happy .

  25. 他被提到乐园里,听到隐秘的言语,是人不可说的。

    How that he was caught up into paradise , and heard unspeakable words , which it is not lawful for a man to utter .

  26. 依传统的、正统的基督教观念,人类是完美的,天真的,愚蠢的,快乐的,赤裸着身体在伊甸乐园里生活的。

    The traditional , Orthodox Christian view was that man was created perfect , innocent , foolish and happy , living naked in the garden of eden .

  27. 例如,在大多数游乐场中你会看见一个过山车,但在迪斯尼乐园里,过山车也以迪斯尼知名人物为主题。

    For example , you can find a roller coaster in most amusement parks , but in Disneyland , the roller coaster is themed with Disney characters .

  28. 看到最新开张的上海迪士尼乐园里的大型星巴克咖啡店、芝士蛋糕厂和沃尔夫冈帕克餐厅,你可能会瞬间以为这是在美国阿纳海姆或佛罗里达州奥兰多。

    With its giant Starbucks , Cheesecake Factory and Wolfgang Puck restaurant , you might for a minute mistake the new Shanghai Disney Resort for Anaheim or Orlando , Fla.

  29. 我不希望游客在乐园里还能看到外面的世界。我要让他们觉得自己置身于另一个世界。

    I don 't want the public to see the world they live in while they 're in the Park . I want them to feel they 're in another world .

  30. 游乐园里没人玩碰碰车了,因为只有一辆还没坏。一车来一车去,两车碰碰,一个人死了。

    No one rides dodgem cars at the amusement park anymore because only one is still working . One car come one car go , two car " peng peng ", one man die .