
  • 网络golgotha;calvary;At Calvary
  1. 33到了一个地方名叫各各他,意思就是「髑髅地」。

    Mat 27:33 They came to a place called Golgotha ( which means The Place of the Skull ) .

  2. 明天,当一个远方人从各各他走过的时候,他不会知道这里有两个人流过血。

    And tomorrow when a stranger passes by this Golgotha he will not know that two bled here .

  3. 信徒守圣餐,就仿如定时到各各他山上去纪念主一样。

    The communion service is almost like a regular visit to Calvary .

  4. 祂孤单的在各各他山。

    Was the lonely hill of Golgatha .

  5. 如今进入祂在世的最后一周,以祂在各各他山上被钉死,和随后的复活告终。

    Now we have come to the final week which culminated at Calvary and the resurrection .

  6. 但如今,它代表基督为我们众人,在各各他山上所流的血。

    Now it was to stand for Christ 's own blood shed for them on Calvary .

  7. 门徒称为「督徒」从安提阿起首。为门徒和各各他干一杯。

    And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch . So here 's to disciples and Calvary .

  8. 基督的行事为人,特别是在各各他山上为我们舍命牺牲,显明了神的大爱。

    In Christ , we see God 's love demonstrated in His deeds and most of all at Calvary .

  9. 一日他被带到各各他山巅,一日他被挂在十字架上;

    One day they led Him up Calvary 's mountain , One day they nailed Him to die on the tree ;

  10. 耶稣背着自己的十字架出来,到了一个地方,名叫髑髅地,希伯来话叫各各他。

    Carrying his own cross , he went out to the place of the skull ( which in Aramaic is called Golgotha ) .

  11. 爱怜学阔恩惠真丰富,赦免宽宏饶恕我罪辜,担卸脱心中得自由在各各他。

    Mercy there was great , and grace was free ; Pardon there was multiplied to me ; There my brudened soul found liberty , At Calvary .

  12. 他住在告诉它,或者谁记得它在未来的岁月中,应以开放的眼睛和骄傲的心把他的思想回到城市,各各他旁边的伏尔加的第六军。

    He who lives to tell of it , or who remembers it in years to come , should with open eyes and a proud heart cast his thoughts back to the city beside the Volga , the Golgotha of the Sixth Army .