
ɡè ɡuó yì huì lián ménɡ
  • Inter-Parliamentary Union
  1. 各国议会联盟环境特别委员会会议在内罗毕举行

    The AD HOC Committee on Environment of Inter-Parliamentary Union Held its Meeting in Nairobi

  2. 各国议会联盟健康乃非洲发展的基础会

    Inter-Parliamentary Conference on " Health & Basis for Development in Africa "

  3. 各国议会联盟常规武器裁军专题讨论会

    Inter-Parliamentary Symposium on Disarmament relating to Conventional Weapons

  4. 经理列席董事会会议。各国议会联盟理事会

    The manager is present at meetings of the Board of directors . Inter-Parliamentary Council

  5. 各国议会联盟专题会议:男女合作参与政治

    Specialized inter-parliamentary Conference on the theme " towards partnership between men and women in politics "

  6. 各国议会联盟环境与发展会议

    Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Environment and Development

  7. 各国议会联盟21世纪前夜教育、科学、文化、交流会议

    Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Education , Science , Culture and communication on the Eve of the 21st Century

  8. 各国议会联盟裁军问题会议

    Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Disarmament

  9. 各国议会联盟支持召开中东和平国际会议委员会

    Inter-Parliamentary Support Committee to the Campaign for the Convening of an International Conference on Peace in the Middle East