- see also 各有所好

I personally wouldn 't have chosen such a flashy car , but to each his own .
And Golden Delicious , a pineapple sage with glowing yellow leaves , should soon be blooming the same screaming red . ( Well , to each his own . )
The Difference Between Flexo Printing and Letterpress
This is like what we Chinese often say , radish or cabbage , each to his own delight .
He 's really keen on opera-it 's not my sort of thing , but each to his own .
I guess what they say is true " different strokes for different folks ", by the way , do you know where I can find a parachute in sizes for poodles ?
sometimes even controversial . However , just as the saying goes " one man 's meat is another man 's poison , " no matter what kind of genre one likes , the important thing is that he can get satisfaction from it .
Jack : Well , to each his own . I 'll stick with Curse of the Golden Flower . The doctor was wise enough to know that sleep is a matter of different strokes for different folks , and babies are no exception .