- 网络Isotropic medium;HTI;TTI

The improved algorithm is applicable to the estimation of the travel times of direct , reflected and transmitted waves in isotropic medium or transversely isotropic medium ; besides , it may be taken to model surface seismic exploration , VSP and borehole seism .
Adopting the tentation of raster , the acoustooptic interaction in isotropic medium is discussed , and the formula of diffractive efficiency for the diffractive beam is deduced .
P-wave travel time inversion and velocity analysis in weak transversely isotropic media
Body wave in 3D transversely isotropic medium
On this basis , a discussion about the complete solution of the Green function for homogeneous , transversely isotropic medium is given .
Lattice Boltzmann model for multi-seismic resources pressure wave in isotropic medium
With the propagating matrix in 2 D TIM wave slowness equations are derived .
Transversely isotropic parameter inversion using Hopfield neural network
Transversal isotropic medium is the most typical one of subsurface anisotropic media , and it can be described with 5 elastic constants .
Deriving the elastic constants of transversal isotropic medium from VSP and crosshole travel times
Condition for the existence of surface TM modes at the interface between an isotropic medium and a uniaxial plasma anisotropic dielectric waveguide
The results show that the curves of the phase velocities of P wave and SV wave in vertical transvers isotropic media are not circular shaped .
Scattering of SH-wave by a radial collinear crack at the edge of arbitrary-shape-cavity in isotropy media is studied .
A f-k domain algorithm of 2-D green 's function in tim
Analysing the general solution of plane wave in 3D transversely isotropic medium , we found that quasi P-wave , quasi SV-wave and qu - asi SH-wave are coupling and coexistent .
The flowing granular media are taken as weak transverse isotropic media , and the phase velocity expressions of P wave , SH wave and SV wave are deduced accordingly .
Discussion on taking values of Thomsen parameters in transverse isotropic media
Rayleigh wave is a type of superimposition wave forming by vibration of P and S waves . According to the characteristic , the authors analyse the propagation characters of Rayleigh wave in isotropic media and horizontally isotropic media in semi infinite body .
So far , the DtN map method has only been developed for PhCs composed of isotropic materials .
Transmission of elastic P-wave across one fracture with improved nonlinear normal deformation behaviors Condition for the existence of surface TM modes at the interface between an isotropic medium and a uniaxial plasma
The paper summarizes some methods of prestack time migration for converted wave in isotropic and VTI medium .
On the basis of this characteristic , we put forward a new method for deriving elastic constants of transversal isotropic medium from VSP and crosshole travel times .
On the basis of Thomsen 's parameters , the features of P wave and SV wave , and the effects of Thomsen 's parameters on their features are studied using theoretical models and calculation method .
The equivalence between expansion Jones matrix method and transfer matrix method is proved in the situation of non-distorted , pretilt angle of 0 degree when normal incidence . The characteristics of the filter were examined by numerical simulation .
According to the correspondence principle and FFT , the author have calculated the displacement field of a double-couple point source in homogeneous , isotropic , unbounded medium . Correspondingly , some practical observation results have been summarized and analysed .
At the same time , this paper gives the method to compute the electric potential distribution of the non-uniform , heteropic medium in point current source .
Based on Hudson 's perturbation theory for calculation elastic constants of cracked media and Bond 's transformation matrix , the calculation method of equivalent elastic constants in a material with multiple sets of vertical cracks and isotropic background is deducted in the paper .
Basing on a constitutive model for elastic and damage rock , which is set up using the Eshelby equivalent inclusion method and CDM , a damage viscoelasticity model for rock is deduced .
With operator method , we factorize the wave equation of transversely isotropic media in F-K domain , aPPly the residual theorem to get the analytical solution of the Green 's Function .
Transverse isotropy ( TI ) with a vertical symmetry axis ( VTI ) is the most common model for academic research on anisotropy and prestack imaging of multi-wave and multi-component reflection seismic data .