
Using the spring model for a weak interface between two solids , the characteristic equation for the Quasi-Rayleigh waves in an isotropic solid layered isotropic media with a weak interface is presented .
Generation of second order sum frequency and difference frequency acoustic waves due to the bulk nonlinearity of the plate material will occur once SH plate modes propagating in an isotropic plate include two frequencies .
Measuring Refractive Indices of Isotropic Solid Using Brewster Angle Method
Reflection and transmission of acoustic waves on a layered structure : piezocrystal-liquid-isotropic solid
Scattering of the cross-plane shear elastic waves by circular cylinders in transversely isotropic media
Track Etch Dynamics Model of Isotropic Solid State Nuclear Detector at a Varied Etching Rate
And then , wave equation of AE propagating in hollow cylinder is obtained from the perspective of elastic wave in solid medium .
The results of normal displacement , normal force stress , tangential couple stress and temperature distribution were compared for micropolar cubic crystal and micropolar isotropic solid .
The 2-D nonlinear longitudinal wave in the isotropy solid medium studied in this paper is the finite amplitude wave , which thought about the nonlinear of the motion and medium .
Ultrasonic wave scattering from transversely isotropic cylinders
The Finite Element Numerical Method of 3-D Nonlinear Primary Wave Equation in Isotropy Elastic Solid Medium
In this thesis , the extended displacement discontinuity boundary integral equation method for transversely isotropic magnetoelectroelatic solid is proposed .
The natural soil was mostly simplified as the isotropic elastic solid for idealization , however , the soil always stratified due to the different depositional age . So we should use the layered medium model to reflect the in homogeneity along the depth .
This article discussed the phase changes of reflective and refractive waves which were formed by the monochromatic plane mechanical wave on the bound surface of two ideal medium .
It gives a fluid-structure problem built on periodic domain , with three phases : an isotropic rigid solid , a Newtonian , incompressible , weakly viscous liquid and a barotropic gas .