首页 / 词典 / good


  • 网络All kinds of people;various people
  1. 各种各样的人都使用它。

    It was used by all sorts of people

  2. 我看到各种各样的人都因为承担他们所指派的各种额外工作而获得酬金。

    All sorts of people I found were getting honoraria for various extra duties that they had assigned to them .

  3. 我们与各种各样的人都打交道。

    We associated with all sorts of people .

  4. 那些在孩提时代从事过最多活动的人,与各种各样的人建立友好关系的可能性是他们的2倍,获得高薪的可能性是他们的5倍,失业的可能性是他们的16倍。

    Those who had done the most boyhood activities were twice as likely to have warm relations with a wide variety of people , five times as likely to be well paid and 16 times less likely to have been unemployed .

  5. 在他的一生中,他换了好几份工作,遇到了各种各样的人。

    In his life , he changed several jobs and met all kinds of people .

  6. 你喜欢同各种各样的人接触吗?

    Don 't you like meeting with various kinds of people ?

  7. 作为一名营业员,我遇见过各种各样的人。

    As a shop-assistant , I met all kinds of people .

  8. 我在中国遇到过包括王在内的各种各样的人。

    I 've met colorful people like Wang all over China .

  9. 在那里各种各样的人都有。

    All types of people were to be found in it .

  10. 他称各种各样的人都在努力成为企业家。

    He says all kinds of people work to become entrepreneurs .

  11. 看来我们通常喜欢各种各样的人打交道。

    It seems that we generally like different kinds of people .

  12. 你和各种各样的人都能相处得很好。

    You get along extremely well with all kinds of people .

  13. 他希望与各种各样的人来往。

    He wanted to do with all sorts of people .

  14. 这是个认识各种各样的人的好机会。

    This is a good opportunity to meet all kinds of people .

  15. 各种各样的人都向他求教。

    He did all sorts of mischief immediately my back was turned .

  16. 杀人凶手,就我所知,各种各样的人都有。

    Murderers , I knew , came in all shapes and sizes .

  17. 人们需要帮助,是吧?各种各样的人。

    People need help , you know ? All kinds of people .

  18. 他和各种各样的人有联系。

    He had to do with all sorts of people .

  19. 他同各种各样的人交朋友。

    He makes friends with all sorts of people .

  20. 作为一个医生,他同各种各样的人打交道。

    As a doctor he came into contact with all kinds of people .

  21. 要让这个世界运转起来,我们需要各种各样的人。

    It takes all kinds of people to make the world go around .

  22. 残骸中发现了各种各样的人物品。

    Various personal belongings were found in the debris .

  23. 如果你约会了足够多的次数,你会遇到各种各样的人。

    If you date enough , you 'll meet all kinds of people .

  24. 在购物中心看到各种各样的人。

    Saw all manner of people at the mall .

  25. 美国的国土上居住着各种各样的人,他们的婚礼也千差万别。

    Weddings in the United States vary as much as the people do .

  26. 他见过各种各样的人。

    He has seen all manner of men .

  27. 她的儿子有本事跟各种各样的人都相处得很好。

    Her son is resourceful enough to mix well with all knids of people .

  28. 世界上有各种各样的人。

    The whale is a sort of mammal .

  29. 很多兴趣爱好都需要出去见各种各样的人。

    Many hobbies require you to meet people .

  30. 我在外面玩时,喜欢跟各种各样的人打交道。

    I like to mix with lots of different people when I go out .