  • a kind of bag
  • describing heavy footsteps
  • 口袋:负书担~。

  • 〔~驼〕即“骆驼”。

  • 古代的一种鼓风吹火器:“具炉~,~以牛皮”。

  1. 畜禽废水处理后,橐吾叶片中叶绿素总量、叶绿素a及叶绿素b含量均随处理浓度的增加而增加。

    After livestock wastewater treatment , the chlorophyll , chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b content in Ligularia leaf increased with the concentration increasing .

  2. 黑苞橐吾挥发油成分的GC-MS分析

    GC-MS Analysis of the Chemical Components of Essential Oils in Ligularia melanocephala

  3. 目的橐吾属植物中微量成分肝毒吡咯里西啶生物碱(HPA)的检测。

    Aim To detect the hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids ( HPA ) in the genus Ligularia Cass .

  4. 不同生境下黄帚橐吾(Ligulariavirgaurea)个体大小依赖的繁殖分配

    Size-dependent reproductive allocation of Ligularia virgaurea in different habitats

  5. 橐吾POD活性、SOD活性和根系活力均呈先降低再升高至较高水平稳定;游离脯氨酸含量呈先降低后升高再降低到较低水平稳定的趋势。

    The POD activity , SOD activity and root activity both decreased at first , and increased to a higher level . The content of Pro decreased at first , and increased later , then declined to a lower level at last .

  6. 其中根际基质脲酶活性与TN达到显著正相关,可作为评价橐吾对污水中TN去除率的指标。

    Rhizosphere urease activity of substrate had a significant positive correlation with the removal of TN , it can be used as an evaluation index of removal rate of TN. and phosphatase activity had a positive correlation with the removal of TP but which was showed not significant .

  7. 中国西北地区橐吾属植物的种类及药用资源

    Species of Ligularia in the northwestern China and their medicinal uses

  8. 蹄叶橐吾乙醇提取物对小鼠免疫功能的影响

    Effect of ethanol extract from Ligularia fischeri on immune function in mice

  9. 箭叶橐吾中萜类成分的研究其他两个分别为不同的蒽醌和萜类。

    The other two components are respectively anthraquinone and terpenoid in character .

  10. 橐吾属新分类群

    New taxa of Ligularia ( Compositae ) from China

  11. 海拔是影响黄帚橐吾种子大小及变异的一个重要因素。

    Elevation is an important factor affecting the seed size and its variation .

  12. 蹄叶橐吾中脂溶性成分的气相色谱-质谱联用分析

    Analysis of Liposoluble Constituents from Ligularia fischeri by GC-MS

  13. 高寒草甸不同海拔梯度下多年生黄帚橐吾的克隆生长特征

    Characteristics of clonal growth of Ligularia virgaurea to different elevation gradient on alpine meadow

  14. 掌叶橐吾挥发油化学成分分析

    Chemical constituents of essential oil from Ligularia przewalskii

  15. 长白山区野生和种植蹄叶橐吾营养成分的对比分析

    Analysis of the nutritional composition of wild and cultural Ligularia fischeri on changbai mountain region

  16. 影响有性生殖成功的因素除昆虫侵食以外,黄帚橐吾和箭叶橐吾低的结实率主要原因是传粉媒介限制。

    The main factors effecting the success of sexual reproduction were pollinators scarcity and insects infection .

  17. 目前将橐吾作为一种人工湿地植物用于污水处理的研究还未见报道。

    At present , using Ligularia as a constructed wetland plant for wastewater treatment has not been reported .

  18. 目的:拟从离舌橐吾根茎中提取分离出倍半萜类化合物,为其资源开发提供依据。

    Objective : To extract and isolate sesquiterpene compounds from Ligularia veitchiana rhizomes and explore their medicinal value .

  19. 畜禽废水促进了橐吾的生长和观赏品质,光合作用也得到加强。

    Livestock wastewater promote the growth and ornamental quality of Ligularia , and the photosynthesis has also been strengthened .

  20. 另外,橐吾内部生理均能通过自我调节来适应两种浓度的畜禽废水。

    In addition , the internal physiological of Ligularia could adapt to both two concentration of livestock wastewater by self-regulation .

  21. AM真菌对黄帚橐吾种内竞争、黄帚橐吾与垂穗披碱草种间竞争的影响

    Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Intraspecific Competition of Ligularia Virgaurea and Interspecific Competition between Ligularia Virgaurea and Elymus Nutans

  22. 目的:研究中国西北地区橐吾属植物种类分布及药用资源,探讨它们的分布特点及其药用价值。

    Objective : To investigate the species ofLigulariadistributed in the northwestern China and their medicinal uses in the lo-cal area .

  23. 因此,橐吾对畜禽废水具有良好的净化能力和耐污能力,是优良的人工湿地植物。

    Therefore , Ligularia has good cleaning ability and tolerance capabilities for livestock wastewater , it is an excellent wetland plant .

  24. 长白山野猪与吉林本地黑猪杂交后代血清生化参数的研究长白山区野生和种植蹄叶橐吾营养成分的对比分析

    Study the Serum of the Filial Generation of Wild Boar of Changbai Mountain and Jilin Local Black Pig in Biochemical Parameters

  25. 他们头戴无缨铁盔,身穿铁甲,枪橐里带着短枪和长剑。早晨全军的人已经望着他们羡慕过一番了。

    They wore casques without horse-tails , and cuirasses of beaten iron , with horse-pistols in their holsters , and long sabre-swords .

  26. 蹄叶橐吾所含化学成分主要是三萜皂甙,此外还含其它萜类、肽类等;

    The terpenoid glycosides are major chemical constituents of the Ligularia fischeri , in addition that monoterpenes , sesquiterpenes , peptides et al .

  27. 研究长白山区野生蹄叶橐吾和种植蹄叶橐吾及其嫩茎中维生素和多种微量元素的含量。

    To study the contents of trace elements and vitamins in wild and cultural Ligularia fischeri and its tender stem at Changbai mountain region .

  28. 与原产地相比,两种橐吾花朵的性状没有明显的改变,而花期均有提前。

    Compare to the original areas , the characters of flowers of two tested materials were of no change , but the florescence was advanced .

  29. 样品含糖量不高,三种植物含糖量从复序橐吾依次递增至蹄叶橐吾达到最高。

    Sample sugar content is not high , sugar content of the three Ligularia plants in ascending order from the complex sequence Ligularia fischeri highest .

  30. 由于橐吾属植物所独具的生物活性,近年来橐吾属植物的研究与开发越来越引起科研工作者的广泛关注。

    Recently , the research and development of Ligularia plants more and more caused by researcher its wide attention due to Ligularia plants have biological activities .
