  • weight
  • lay stress on;place value upon;attach importance to
  • heavy;weighty;deep;serious
  • heavily;severely

  • repeat;duplicate
  • again;once more
  • layer
  • 分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。

  • 程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。

  • 价格高:~价收买。

  • 数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。

  • 主要,要紧:~镇。~点。~任。~托(国家重大的托付)。~柄。

  • 认为重要而认真对待:~视。尊~。器~。隆~。

  • 言行不轻率:慎~。自~。

  • 再:~复。~申。~版。~沓(重复繁冗)。~阳。~逢。

  • 〔~庆〕地名,中国四个直辖市之一,地处中国西南。

  • 层:~叠。~霄。~洋。~唱。~峦叠嶂。


(重复) repeat; duplicate:

  • 书买重了。

    Two copies of the same book have been bought by mistake.

  • 这两个例子重了。

    These two examples duplicate each other.


(重新; 再一次) again; once more:

  • 重访英国

    revisit England;

  • 重启战端

    renew hostilities;

  • 久别重逢

    meet again after a long separation


(层) layer:

  • 双重领导

    dual leadership;

  • 越过万重山

    climb over countless mountains


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 重明

    Chong Ming


(重量; 分量) weight:

  • 加重

    increase weight;

  • 毛 [净]重

    gross [net] weight;

  • 你的体重多少?

    What is your weight?


(重视) lay [place, put] stress on; place value upon; attach importance to:

  • 重友情

    highly value the friendship; set store by friendship;

  • 为人所重

    be regarded highly


(重量大; 比重大) heavy; weighty:

  • 笨重的家具

    ponderous furniture;

  • 繁重的家务

    weighty housework


(程度深) deep; serious:

  • 情意重

    deep affection;

  • 病势很重

    be seriously ill;


(重要) important; momentous:

  • 重大决策

    a momentous decision;

  • 军事重地

    an important place for the military affairs


(不轻率) discreet; prudent:

  • 慎重

    careful; cautious; prudent; circumspect;

  • 自重


  • 老成持重

    experienced and prudent;

  • 脸色庄重

    a solemn look


(优厚) considerable in amount or value:

  • 重赏

    a handsome reward; substantial reword;

  • 重金聘用

    pay a high price for engaging sb.; engage sb. at a high price


(加重) heavily; severely:

  • 重责

    rebuke harshly; scold severely;

  • 重打

    flog heavily;

  • 重罚

    severely punish;

  • 重酬

    richly rewarded

  1. 这种鱼在自然生存环境中可以长到5磅重。

    In the wild , this fish can reach a weight of 5lbs .

  2. 这东西重约76千克。

    It is about 76 kilos in weight .

  3. 这东西重一公斤,或者说两磅多一点儿。

    It weighs a kilo , or just over two pounds .

  4. 任务太重,把我们都吓倒了。

    We were overwhelmed by the sheer immensity of the task .

  5. 她父亲住在圣路加医院,病情很重。

    Her father is seriously ill in St Luke 's hospital .

  6. 他伤得不重,但处于休克状态。

    He isn 't seriously injured but he is in shock .

  7. 幸运的是她伤势不重。

    It 's a mercy she wasn 't seriously hurt .

  8. 他们的衣服首先重实用,其次才讲花式。

    Their clothing is primarily functional and only secondarily decorative .

  9. 他们离别20多年后重又聚首。

    They were reunited after a separation of more than 20 years .

  10. 事故过去两天后她看上去伤势仍然很重。

    Two days after the accident she still looked pretty banged up .

  11. 重订目标决不会为时过晚。

    It is never too late to reformulate your goals .

  12. 选举结果陆续传来,失败的情绪越来越重。

    The gloom deepened as the election results came in .

  13. 我已查清,驾驶员伤势不重。

    I ascertained that the driver was not badly hurt .

  14. 我肯定他把他的爱尔兰口音故意说得很重。

    I 'm sure he exaggerates his Irish accent .

  15. 他们重造了房子,规模甚至比以前更大。

    They rebuilt the house on an even more lavish scale than before .

  16. 她摔得很重,扭伤了脚踝,只好退出比赛。

    She fell badly , spraining her ankle , and had to retire .

  17. 你这口袋里装的是什么?重死了!

    What have you got in this bag ? It weighs a ton !

  18. 她跌倒了,腿伤得相当重。

    She fell and hurt her leg rather badly .

  19. 对于一个孩子来说,这责任是太重了。

    That 's too much responsibility for a child .

  20. 据报道,在边境地区战火重燃。

    Renewed fighting has been reported on the border .

  21. 酒后开车处罚很重。

    There are tough penalties for drinking and driving .

  22. 最大的石头每块重五吨以上。

    The largest stones weigh over five tonnes apiece .

  23. 他的伤不重,这倒是值得庆幸。

    He wasn 't badly hurt ─ that 's something to be thankful for .

  24. 幸亏有灌木接着,他摔得不重。

    Luckily , a bush broke his fall .

  25. 我弟弟比我重得多。

    My brother is much heavier than me .

  26. 她怒气冲冲,重步走出办公室。

    She stomped angrily out of the office .

  27. 他过错无多而报应太重。

    He was more sinned against than sinning .

  28. 重的反义词是什么?

    What is the opposite of heavy ?

  29. 他得了重感冒,还不能上班。

    He 's had a bad cold and isn 't fit enough for work yet .

  30. 你疑心很重。

    You have a very suspicious mind .