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  1. 我右手边的草地是我最喜爱的木土动物——袋鼠的牧场。

    The grasslands on my right are the grazing grounds for my favourite native animals in this area - kangaroos .

  2. 木火土金水是不可缺少的五种最基本的物质。

    Wood , fire , earth , metal and water are the five most essential materials indispensable to human existence .

  3. 而病机方面,脾胃的升降失调可由多种因素导致,他脏可犯及脾胃,肝木乘土则更是普遍。

    The pathogenesis of movements disorders of the stomach by a variety of factors , his dirty criminals and stomach , the wood is to multiply the soil is even more common .

  4. 相克的原则如下:木克土、土克水、水克火、火克金、金克木。

    The order of restriction goes as follows : wood restricts earth , earth does water , water does fire , fire does metal , and metal , in turn , does wood .

  5. 3用专门加工的可测量底部孔压和渗透系数的固结仪分析了腐木淤泥混合土的固结过程中的孔压以及渗透系数K的变化情况。

    The transformation of pore water pressure and permeability coefficient of rotten wood and silt mixed soil in consolidation process was analyzed with the handling consolidometer which can measure pore water pressure and permeability coefficient .

  6. 根据孢粉、扫描电子显微镜、C14检测数据和前人的资料,确定了腐木淤泥混合土的成因环境和分布特征。

    The geological cause of the mixed layer and its distributing characters are defined by spore pollen analysis , scanning electron microscope and C14 isotope test in this paper .

  7. 绿色木霉对土传病原真菌的体外拮抗作用

    In Vitro Antagonism of Trichoderma viride Against the Soilborne Fungal Pathogens

  8. 并比较了腐木淤泥混合土与淤泥之间强度指标的差异。

    Contrast the strength index of rotten wood and silt mixed soil with silt 's in this paper too .

  9. 含腐木的软土地基在进行深层处理后,沉降发生早、收敛快,工后沉降小;

    The settlement of soft soil foundation which contains rotten wood is fast in convergence after it is deep treated and has a little post-construction settlement .

  10. 埃及无花果树丛中莺群一片啁啾,麻雀在唱凯歌,啄木鸟爬土板栗树用嘴在树皮的窟窿里啄着。

    In the sycamores there was an uproar of linnets , sparrows triumphed , woodpeckers climbed along the chestnut trees , administering little pecks on the bark .

  11. 木霉作为土传植物病原菌的重要生防真菌,对其生防分子作用机制方面的研究也越来越受到关注,目前所面临的问题是如何基因突变和基因替换。

    Serves as an important fungal biocontrol agent to antagonize soil-borne plant pathogens and one problem with understanding the mechanisms underlying biological control in it is that the process of gene disruption and gene replacement .

  12. 选择了两个村落,针对石建筑、木建筑、土建筑、青砖建筑,红砖建筑,在相同时段内,进行了温度测量,每次测量的时间大致为一个星期。

    Choose two villages , direct against the stone material building , wooden building , immature soil architecture , blue brick building , the red brick building , within the same period , carried on temperature survey . The time to measure each site is roughly one week .

  13. 任木幼苗在石灰岩土和园土上生长比酸性红壤上好。

    The seedling growth was better in limestone soil and garden soil than those in acid soil .

  14. 结果高昌地区居室建筑以架木为屋,土覆其上这类比较原始的平顶土屋为主要建筑特色。

    Results The main architectural characteristic is flat-headed and terrene house that is made of big wood and soil in this area .

  15. 很久以前,古代的中国人认为,木、火、土、金、水是构成生命的基本要素。

    A long time ago , ancient Chinese recognized that wood , fire , earth , metal and water were the basic elements necessary for life .

  16. 这种烟雾很常见:在旱季,云南省各地的农民都将落叶和香蕉树叶烧掉,然后将木灰埋进土里,以自制更多的有机肥料(烟雾就是燃烧树叶产生的)。

    The smoke is familiar : During the dry season , farmers across Yunnan Province burn fallen leaves , banana fronds , and more to make ash-based fertilizer .

  17. 这是基于风水的推算,它将运气和财富归因于宇宙之中火、水、木、金、土的平衡。

    This is based on the tenets of feng shui , which ascribe luck and prosperity based on the balance of fire , water , wood , metal and earth in the universe .

  18. 五行学说认为,宇宙间的一切事物,都是由木、火、土、金、水五种物质的运动与变化所构成的。

    The theory of the five elements holds that all the phenomena in the universe are composed by the movement and mutation of the five objects : wood , fire , earth , metal and water .

  19. 五行代表或作用于人体器官,即火对心,木对肝,土对脾胃,金对肺,水对。肾。阴阳化合而生万物,太极则代表了阴阳调和。

    That is , the element of the fire corresponds to the heart , the wood to the liver , the earth to the spleen and the stomach , the metal to the lung and the water to the kidney .

  20. 太极分为阴阳二气,阴阳二气产生木、火、土、金、水这五行。

    Taiji comprises yin and yang , two types of vital energy . The five elements of wood , fire , earth , metal and water derive from yin and yang . These five elements correspond to , or affect , particular human organs .

  21. 本课题系清华大学美术学院柳冠中教授的学术研究项目《中华古代艺术设计&水、火、木、金、土五行系列研究》的一个子课题水篇。

    This article is a subdivision about water of a technicality research , the series research on Art and Design in ancient China from water , fire , wood , metal and soil , presided by Professor Liu Guan-zhong in Academy of Arts and design , Tsinghua University .

  22. 2配制了三种不同腐木含量的腐木淤泥混合土。

    Make up three kinds rotten wood and silt mixed soil which the rotten wood percent respectively are five , forty and seventy .