
  • 网络papain;papaya enzyme;Enzyme
  1. 所以很多净化洁面凝胶都会含有木瓜酵素的成份,为的是让肌肤呈现纯净、细致、清新健康的外观。

    So will a lot of purifying cleansing gel composition contains papaya enzyme , is to allow the skin to a clean , delicate , fresh and healthy appearance .

  2. 木瓜所含的木瓜酵素能促进肌肤代谢,帮助溶解毛孔中堆积的皮脂及老化角质,让肌肤显得更明亮、更清新!

    Papaya Papaya contains enzymes that promote skin metabolism , help dissolve the accumulation of sebum in the pores and the aging of skin , so skin looks brighter and more refreshing !