
diào lóu
  • house projecting over the water;wooden or bamboo house supported by wooden pillars
吊楼 [diào lóu]
  • [house projecting over the water] 〈方〉∶用柱子架空的房屋

吊楼[diào lóu]
  1. 本文简要介绍了ST-50主桁架、转换钢桁架、悬挂特式吊楼、铸钢组合节点、大直径钢索、超大面积折线玻璃幕墙的施工技术。

    In this article , authors mainly introduce the construction technology of ST-50 main truss , transverse steel truss , cantilever suspension building , cast steel composite joint , large diameter steel cable and super-large area zigzag glass curtain .

  2. 新保利大厦特式吊楼结构的抗震分析与设计

    Seismic Analysis and Design of Lantern Structure of Beijing New Poly Plaza

  3. 倦人的热气,从吊楼上散布下来。

    Drowsy warmth was streaming down from the flies .

  4. 新保利大厦项目采用了悬挂吊楼、高位空腹桁架转换层、巨型桁架转换层与三个不等刚度的剪力墙筒体组成了动力特性复杂的非对称多塔连体混合结构体系。

    New Poly Plaza is the architecture system of unsymmetrical multi-tower-connected mixed structures which possesses complex dynamical characteristic and is made up of suspend-floor construction , transfer structure of high Vierendeel truss , transfer structure of huge truss and three shearwall sleeves of different rigidity .