
  • 网络crane load
  1. 单层厂房吊车荷载效应的统计分析

    Statistical analysis of the effect of crane load in one-story industrial buildings

  2. 应用动态规划法求解吊车荷载的不利组合

    Finding the Solution of Disadvantageous Combination Question on Crane Load in Dynamic Programming

  3. 吊车荷载作用下钢结构吊车梁的疲劳可靠寿命评估

    Fatigue reliable life assessment of steel crane structures under crane loading

  4. 桥式吊车荷载作用下轻钢门架厂房的设计

    Design of the light steel frame workshop with bridge crane load

  5. 机械工业厂房吊车荷载的统计取值

    The Statistical Valuation for Crane Load in Machinery Plant

  6. 吊车荷载对钢筋混凝土单层厂房柱可靠度的影响

    Reliability of columns in reinforced concrete one-story industrial buildings under the influence of crane load

  7. 水动力荷载;吊车荷载对梯形钢屋架下弦杆内力的影响

    The influence of crane load to the internal force of bottom chord bar of trapezoid steel roof truss

  8. 纵向柱距不等的等高排架在吊车荷载作用下的内力分析

    The Analysis of InternaL Force in the Combined Bank Frames with Unequal Longtitudinal Column Distances and Equal Heights

  9. 在吊车荷载反复作用下,疲劳强度不足,因而出现疲劳破坏。

    Under the repeated loading of the cranes , the fatigue strength of the columns is insufficient , and fatigue failures occurred .

  10. 通过对某工程实例吊车荷载作用下排架侧向位移的计算,证明桩的变形对排架侧向位移影响较大,尤其桩顶转角的影响大。

    The analysis of a crane load example shows that the pile deformation , especially the pile top rotation , greatly influence the frame lateral displacement .

  11. 论述了在吊车荷载作用下的简支吊车梁的弯矩包络图的分段、方程求法,最后通过实例说明包络图的绘制。

    The paper discussed the sectionalization , the method for finding equation and the drawing of the envelope graph of bending moments of the simple crane girder under the action of crane loads .

  12. 目前,国内外对于网架动力响应的研究已有很多,但是对于带有吊车荷载的大跨度厂房钢网架托架疲劳问题的仿真分析还不多见。

    Now , there are many studies on the lattice grid structure dynamic responses at home and abroad , but for the great span grid structure with crane load fatigue simulation analysis is not enough .

  13. 吊车荷载并不同于地震荷载以及风荷载,吊车荷载可以划分为三个阶段:起吊阶段、运转阶段和卸载阶段,每个阶段都有其各自的受力特点。

    The crane load is different from the seismic load and wind load , which is composed of three stages : namely lifting stage , the operation stage and unloading stage . And each stage has its respective characteristic .

  14. 某依附于平台框架的分离式柱承受最大为450/80t重级工作制吊车荷载的作用,建成使用不到20年,有多根柱子在柱头处出现裂缝。

    Separate columns braced by working platform frame are subjected to loading of heavy working cranes up to 450 / 80t . Within 20 years since they were built up , cracks were found at the top of the columns .

  15. 对桥式吊车荷载作用下轻钢门架厂房的设计方法作了一些介绍,并介绍了目前国内未见的一些新思路,特别是对结构方案的选择作了较为详尽的讲述

    It ′ s introduced that the design method of light weight steel frame plant under bridge crane loads Some new thoughts which can ′ t be found domestic were also give here Especially , the choice for structure plans was detailed described

  16. 在对疲劳荷载与抗力统计分析的基础上,视吊车荷载与疲劳强度为随机过程,建立了基于极限应力模式的疲劳动态可靠性分析模型及基于累积损伤模型的疲劳动态可靠性分析模型。

    The crane load and fatigue strength are regarded as stochastic process , the fatigue dynamic reliability based on limit stress model and fatigue dynamic reliability based on accumulation damage model are established on the base of statistic analysis the fatigue load and resistance .

  17. 现代重型钢结构厂房工程跨数多、跨度大、吊车荷载大、新工艺和设备对厂房提出诸多新要求,结构布置复杂。

    Modern heavy-duty steel plant has a character of wide and multi span , heavy loaded crane . Also , new techniques and equipment have produced many new requirements for plant , so the structural disposal of plant is becoming more and more complex .

  18. 通过对测试结果和国内外规范的对比分析,确定了钢框架上的荷载和荷载组合方式,其中对吊车荷载取值方法的讨论可为改进我国的荷载规范提供参考;

    By analyzing the testing results and the many country criterions , the load and the combinatorial mode of load of the steel frame are confirmed , which the studies on the load of the crane can help improve on our country ' criterions about load ;

  19. 吊车动荷载对山形门式钢刚架塑性内力重分布和变形的影响

    Effects of Dynamic Crane Load on the Redistribution of Moment and Deformation of Steel Gabled Portal Rigid Frames

  20. 还提出了吊车梁在新荷载作用下的实用剩余疲劳寿命计算方法。

    A practical calcuation method of residual fatigue life of the crane girder is also put forward in the paper .

  21. 在钢结构的研究中疲劳问题是一个十分重要的课题,因此对于承受吊车动力荷载的钢网架托架来说,对疲劳问题的研究也是不可避免的。

    In the steel structure fatigue problem is a very important topic , therefore , it is also inevitable for the supporting truss which withstanding the crane dynamic load .

  22. 基于实测的钢筋混凝土吊车梁疲劳荷载谱,经过适当的简化得到试验用随机变幅疲劳荷载谱,并通过MTS疲劳试验机实现了该随机变幅疲劳荷载谱作用下部分预应力混凝土梁的疲劳试验。

    C. crane beams , established through a practical survey , a random-amplitude fatigue loading spectrum for conducting tests is obtained through appropriate simplifications . Fatigue tests of prestressed concrete beams under the random-amplitude fatigue loading spectrum are conducted by using MTS fatigue machines .

  23. 关于工业吊车横向水平荷载的取值和作用方式的探讨

    Discussion on the action way and the choice of crosswise horizontal load on industrial crane

  24. 目前,吊车轮压荷载作用下工字梁腹板的局部屈曲鲜有研究,这主要是由于无法得到轮压荷载作用下承压应力在腹板内的分布规律。

    The local buckling of web plates in I-girders under wheel loading has been rarely investigated , due to the unknown distribution of bearing stresses in the web plates .

  25. 吊车轨道时局部荷载的分布作用;

    The distributing behavior of crane rails under local concentrated loa - dings ;

  26. 岩壁吊车梁轮压荷载的等效计算研究

    Research on the method to calculate the wheel load in the predesign of rock bolt crane girder

  27. 为找出故障原因,利用测试手段对吊车梁的各种荷载工况进行测试和分析,找到了故障发生的原因。

    In order to find the causes of these faults testing means are used to test and analyze various loading conditions of the crane beams , by which the causes of the faults have been obtained .

  28. 通过对一个已使用40多年的钢筋混凝土吊车梁碳纤维加固后的现场加载试验,分析了加固后吊车梁在吊车移动荷载作用下正截面和斜截面的应变分布规律及挠度变化规律。

    Based on the field load tests of more than 40 years old a reinforced concrete crane girder after strengthening strengthened with CFRP , the strains and deflections under the moving loads were analyzed .