
  • 网络intracellular transport;Intracellular trafficking
  1. 突变的蛋白表现出功能降低或丧失的原因可以归结到它们在合成、加工、胞内运输以及最终在尿浓缩过程中某些方面的缺陷。

    The functionally characterized mutants show a loss of function due to defects in their synthesis , processing , intracellular transport and in urine concentration .

  2. 糖鞘脂Gb3的配体结构与配体胞内运输的关系

    Correlation between the Ligand Structure and Their Intracellular Transport

  3. PrP的胞内运输与朊病毒病

    The Role of Intracellular Trafficking of PrP in Prion Diseases

  4. 不仅CD1分子与MHC分子抗原识别机制不同,而且CD1家族内部各分子之间在识别脂类抗原时也有区别。CD1分子的组装和胞内运输路线和MHC分子的明显不同。

    The mechanism of recognizing antigens is different not only between CD1 molecules and MHC molecules , but also among different CD1 subsets .

  5. CD1分子的抗原提呈是独立于MHCⅠ和MHCⅡ以外的途径,它在抗原的装载、胞内运输及其加工处理等方面都独具特色。

    The pathway through CD1 molecules is independent on either MHC ⅰ or MHC ⅱ, and it is unique in antigen assemble , processing and intracellular trafficking .

  6. 热激蛋白(Hsp)作为分子伴侣协助蛋白的重新折叠、稳定、胞内运输和降解,以阻止受损蛋白的累积,维护细胞内环境的稳定。

    Heat shock proteins function as molecular chaperones in preventing the accumulation of damaged proteins to maintain cellular homeostasis by refolding , stabilization , intracellular translocation and degradation of proteins .

  7. RTNs蛋白定位内质网膜上,高等脊椎动物中枢神经受损时,RTN4-A/Nogo-A起抑制神经生长的作用,RTNs蛋白家族其余成员的功能还不是很清楚,可能与胞内运输,细胞分裂和细胞凋亡等有关。

    RTNs functions might relate to those of the endoplasmic reticulum for example , intracellular trafficking , cell division and apoptosis . Nogo / RTN4-A could inhibit neurite growth from the cell surface via specific receptors .

  8. 多肽介导的生物活性分子细胞靶向及胞内运输策略

    Strategies for cellular targeting of biomacromolecules and intracellular delivery mediated by polypeptides

  9. rRTA:DS27免疫毒素的制备及胞内运输研究

    Preparation and intracellular routing of immunotoxin rRTA : DS27

  10. 于是他们认为核衣壳导致细胞内肌动蛋白形成缆索结构,这种结构与病毒的胞内运输及其后在核内的装配以及装配后的细胞液化、病毒释放是相关的。

    So nucleocapsid might induce Actin to form cable structure and this structure might associate with such viral infectious courses as the viral transportation in host cells , viral assembly in nucleus , host cells ' liquefaction and viruses ' release from the host cells .

  11. 细胞骨架包括微管、微丝和中间纤维,其中微管在细胞分裂、分化、细胞形态决定及胞内物质运输等生理活动中起重要作用。

    Cytoskeleton contains microtubules , microfilament and intermediate filament , of which microtubules play an important role in cell division , cell differentiation , cell morphous , celluar material transportation and other physiology activity .

  12. 揭示了毒死蜱能影响细胞的发育及凋亡、胞内蛋白运输、转录调控、信号转导等,使我们对毒死蜱的毒理学有了进一步的了解。

    We also revealed chlorpyrifos can affect cell development and apoptosis , intracellular protein transport , transcriptional regulation , signal transduction , ect . Make us have a better understanding to the toxicology of chlorpyrifos .

  13. 它参与了多种胞内合成蛋白的运输和分泌,比如说黑色素体依赖于肌动蛋白(actin)的运输等。

    It is involved in transports and secretion of many proteins , for example the actin-based movement of melanosomes .

  14. 它的作用主要是将ATP降解成ADP,释放出一个高能磷酸键,从而为细胞的生长发育、胞间胞内物质运输和固氮提供充足的能量。

    ATPase can let ATP divide ADP and ~ P , supplying sufficient energy for the cell 's growth , development , the substance transport and nitrogen-fixing .

  15. 研究者说,发现证实了亨廷顿蛋白和胞内控制捕获和运输的蛋白质之间的第一个直接联系。

    Their findings , say the researchers , provide the first direct link between the Huntington 's protein and the protein that controls capture and trafficking inside the cell .

  16. VAMP-2是真核生物中的一种膜受体蛋白,该蛋白在真核生物的胞吐、信号传导、胞内运输和分泌等活动中起到重要作用。

    VAMP-2 is a membrane receptor protein widely distributed in eukaryote and plays an important role in exocytosis , signal transduction , intracellular traffic and secretion .

  17. 胞吞过程受阻或胞内的物质运输障碍往往会导致许多重大疾病的发生。

    When the process of endocytosis is blocked or the cargo is transported to the wrong destination , it will lead to various diseases .