
zhòng bīng
  • a large number of troops;massive forces;massive (huge) forces
重兵 [zhòng bīng]
  • [massive (huge) forces] 人数多、实力强的军队

  • 派驻重兵

重兵[zhòng bīng]
  1. 他们只是靠重兵取胜。

    Sheer weight of numbers secured them the victory .

  2. 如果政府不让步,它就会面临重兵围困,必将迅速落败。

    If the government does not yield , it should face sufficient military force to ensure its certain and swift defeat .

  3. 他需要绞尽脑汁逃离重兵把守的小岛。

    He needed all his wits to escape from the heavily guarded island .

  4. 他手握数百万重兵,指挥若定迫使敌人按他的步子走。

    He had everything under perfect control in commanding millions of troops and compelled the enemy to move according to his will .

  5. 重兵把关。

    The pass was heavily guarded .

  6. 长官,先遣小队报告说那个地方有重兵活动。

    Sir , Intel reports heavy troop activity in that region .

  7. 你知不知道车辆区有重兵看守?

    Do you know If the vehicle compound Is heavily guarded ?

  8. 政府将在那个地区重兵布防。

    The government will build up the defenses in that area .

  9. 敌人以重兵包围了该镇。

    The enemy beset the town with a strong army .

  10. 那时这地方有重兵把守。

    In those days the place was heavily guarded .

  11. 永久的桥梁都有重兵驻守,而且都埋有地雷。

    The permanent bridges were heavily guarded and mined .

  12. 现在他们被关在重兵把守的修道院里。

    They are now confined to heavily guarded monasteries .

  13. 重兵看守,跟个堡垒似的。

    They keep it under heavy guard . The place is a fortress .

  14. 会谈在重兵把守的边境村庄举行。

    The meeting took place in the village along the heavily armed border .

  15. 俄国人的车队有重兵保护。

    The Russian motorcade has a significant security force .

  16. 现在您手握重兵,攻城拔寨,下一步呢?

    You wield an army , you hold a city , what next ?

  17. 像那样的重要枢纽,日本人一定会派重兵把守。

    The Japanese will be guarding a major artery at a chokepoint like that .

  18. 韩国旅游团的脚步也在重兵把守的朝韩边界前停止了。

    South Korean tourist groups no longer travel across the heavily armed inter-Korean border .

  19. 他们走近的时候路障关闭着,并有重兵把守。

    The barrier was closed and strongly guarded when they rode up to it .

  20. 但电梯肯定是重兵把守。

    But that elevator will be heavily guarded .

  21. 回收那个铁撬的时候要特别小心,那区域有重兵看守。

    Be sure to exercise caution when retrieving it : the compound is heavily patrolled .

  22. 金兵为夺取这一军事要地,集结重兵进攻陕西。

    The Jin Dynasty concentrated armed forces to attack Shan'xi province for capturing this military area .

  23. 奥巴马在重兵把守的阿富汗总统府同卡尔扎伊总统共进午餐,双方同时举行了会谈。

    Barack Obama held talks over lunch with President Hamid Karzai at the heavily guarded presidential palace .

  24. 阿连德于上午七时三十分在重兵护卫下来到总统府。

    Allende arrived at the Presidential Palace at 7 ∶ 30 A.M. with a heavily armed escort .

  25. 他回报的是那边有重兵巡逻看守,所以当你离开仓库的时候要特别小心。

    He reports that It Is heavily patrolled , so you should exercise caution when leaving the Store .

  26. 这意味着两国对韩国的勘察行动将有所增加,并将部署更多的军队去重兵防守的边境。

    That means reconnaissance operations are increasing over North Korea and more troops are being deployed to heavily fortified border areas .

  27. 许多国家为了对付最近恐怖主义分子劫机事件的激增,采取了派重兵和装甲车防守机场的措施。

    Some countries have responded to the recent spate of terrorist hijackings by deploying heavily armed guards and armored vehicles at airports .

  28. 不过,最著名的景点大概是王室珍宝存放陈列室,那儿有重兵把守着。

    The most popular sight , however , is probably the strongly guarded room in which the Crown jewels are kept and displayed .

  29. 几枚最大的炸弹中有一枚在重兵把守的伊拉克外交部大楼外爆炸,在大楼内外都造成人员伤亡。

    One of the biggest bombs went off outside Iraq 's Foreign Ministry , causing casualties both inside and outside the heavily fortified building .

  30. 在美国重兵助阵下举行的过渡议会选举预示着未来的政治重建之路依然会荆棘载道。

    The transition parliament election be heavily guarded by the American massive troops declares that the coming political reconstruction road will still be difficult .