
  1. 胡应麟:中国古代图书事业史研究的奠基人

    Hu Yinglin : Founder of Research on History of Chinese Ancient Books

  2. 中国古代图书分类之历史演变

    On the Historical Evolution Concerning the Classification of Ancient Books in China

  3. 试论中国古代图书编目的文化内涵

    On the Cultural Significance of Ancient Chinese Books Cataloguing

  4. 加强对中国古代图书分类学的研究

    Strengthen Research on Chinese Ancient Book Classification

  5. 中国古代图书形制试说

    On the Ancient China Book Shop

  6. 中国古代图书的生存状态

    Ecology of Ancient Chinese Books

  7. 本文首先介绍了中国古代图书整理的传统与四库全书馆开设的过程;

    This paper firstly introduces the tradition of collecting books in ancient China and the process of opening the institute .

  8. 中国古代图书的产生,大约在文字产生之后的商代,图书的完备形态是简牍和帛书。

    Chinese books appeared , following the evolution of ancient scripts , in Shang dynasty and the standard books made of bamboo and silk .

  9. 本文拟对中国古代图书目录对类书的分类及其对类书文献的著录进行全面的考察,寻找类书演进的轨迹,探求类书在古代中国知识体系和图书目录中的地位。

    This essay is based on the classification and register of cataloguing to study the evolution and status of encyclopedia in the knowledge system and catalogue in ancient China .

  10. 本文论述了中国古代图书分类的产生与发展过程,并对各历史时期的分类方法进行了阐述及分析。

    This article expounds the production and developmental course of the ancient books ' classification in China , and makes an analysis and exposition on the classified method of books in different historical periods .

  11. 本文通过对我国古代图书分类的起源、发展及运用情况的介绍,分别探讨了中国古代图书分类体系的萌芽、确立到成熟的历史变迁过程。

    The author offers a brief account of the beginning of ancient classification of books , its development and operation . The author also talks about the historical track of the beginning , development and mature of the classification system in ancient China .

  12. 中国古代的图书编纂活动规模浩大且沿袭不衰,形成了中国数千年历史发展进程中独特的人文景观。

    The vast-scaled and constant-booming compiling activity of books in ancient China forms the peculiar human cultural scene in the development of Chinese history within thousands of years .

  13. 佛经文献经历代抄录刊刻,数量庞大,种类繁多,它为研究中国古代书籍制度的演化、文献的版本和目录的类型提供了佐证,极大地促进了中国古代图书事业的发展;

    Thirdly , the large amount of copies and inscriptions of Buddhist scripture provided evidence for the research of books system evaluation , document edition and catalogue patens in ancient China , which dramatically developed ancient Chinese books course ;