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  • 网络Chinese surname
  1. 中国姓氏文化的郡望之源

    Origin of Chinese Surname Culture

  2. 中国姓氏中的遗传密码

    Genetic codes in Chinese surnames

  3. 紧随其后的是另外四个中国姓氏,它们分别是王、杨、黄、林;

    It is followed by four other Chinese names & Wang , Yang , Huang and Lin ;

  4. 杜研究员曾于1992年出版了一本有关中国姓氏的书,重点探讨了北方人和南方人的基因差别与汉语言学之间的关系。

    Du published a book on Chinese surnames , the genetic differences between people from North and South China and Chinese linguistics in1992 .

  5. 欧阳本是复姓,在中国姓氏里是一个古老的姓氏,而欧就是它其中的一个分支,由来。

    Ouyang this is Duplicate surname , Duplicate surname in China , is an old family name , and the EU is that it one of the branches , Origin .

  6. 新西兰媒体获知的房产文件显示,拥有中国姓氏的买家占到奥克兰购房交易的一半,涉及房产总值逾100万新西兰元。随后民怨沸腾。

    Popular resentment had risen after property documents , leaked to New Zealand media , showed buyers with Chinese surnames accounted for half the purchases of Auckland homes worth more than NZ $ 1m .

  7. 调查结果也更接近中国人姓氏的分布现状。

    The results are closer to the Chinese names real situation .

  8. 而中国人的姓氏是姓氏学最好的研究对象。

    And Chinese names are the best research target in name study .

  9. 宋朝中国人的姓氏分布与群体结构分化

    The Study of the Distribution of Chinese Surnames and the Diversity of Genetic Population Structure in the Song Dynasty