
  • 网络burial service;funeral service
  1. 他们跟殡葬服务机构签约,定制适合自己的葬礼服务。

    They sign contracts with funeral service providers and tailor the service content to suit themselves .

  2. 仁智国际(SageInternational)是一家在香港上市的殡葬服务集团,BetsyMa便是该集团的员工。该集团已开始鼓励其顾客采用另一种方式纪念他们所爱的人——把其骨灰转变为钻石。

    Sage International , the Hong Kong-listed funeral services group that is Ms Ma 's employer , has started to encourage its clients to use an alternative way to commemorate their loved ones - turning their ashes into gemstones .

  3. 努力提高殡葬服务单位的人员素质,以适应殡葬产业化发展的需要。

    To enhance the qualities of the stuff in funeral and interment service .

  4. 托儿所、幼儿园、养老院、残疾人福利机构提供的育养服务,婚姻介绍,殡葬服务;

    Nursing services provided by nurseries , kindergartens , homes for the aged , welfare institutions for the handicapped , matchmaking and funeral services .

  5. 死亡几乎是人人都不想发生的事,但意大利一家殡葬服务公司却尝试用穿比坚尼的女郎来做棺材促销,把人的死变成一件稍诱惑的事儿。

    Death is hardly something to look forward to , but one Italian funeral home is trying to make the afterlife a tad more tempting by using bikini-clad women to sell its coffins .

  6. ZhangSongjie是上海殡葬管理服务中心的一名研究员,该服务中心是隶属政府的机构。

    Zhang Songjie is a researcher with the Shanghai Funeral Management Service Center , a government-affiliated institution .