
  1. 例句和客户去吃饭是一种寓商于乐的好方法。

    Eating out with clients is a good way to mix business with pleasure .

  2. 成于乐是儒家最高的人格理想与政治理想

    " Formation in Yue ": the Highest Personal and Political Ideal of Confucianism

  3. 其实,寓学于乐是审美教育的一大特点。

    Actually , the aesthetic education is a feature .

  4. 立于礼,成于乐&礼乐精神对中国传统居住建筑室内环境艺术的影响

    Influence of the spirit about convenance and harmony to traditional building 's interior environment of China

  5. 礼藏于乐:礼乐文化的形态原型

    Rite Hidden in Music : The Shape Prototypes of the Rite s , Poems and Music Relations

  6. 非连续变截面梁振动研究在八音琴中的应用备于乐悬施于戎政以谐八音以明三军&华夏鼓文化研究

    Application of noncontinuous changing section girder vibration research to musical movement a study of the Chinese drum culture

  7. 这样,虽然跳过许多生词,但却培养了把握原著大意的能力,有利于跟着原著作者的思路和感觉寓学于乐。

    Such operations would definitely skip many unknown words , but it indeed helps to understand the original books and train the ability to master the main ideas .

  8. 年一天夜里,年轻的音乐家决定参加摇滚爵士乐的即席演奏会,全堪萨斯城的音乐家们相聚在此,在不拘一格的演出中予演于乐。

    One night in nineteen thirty-six , the young musician decided to take part in a " jam session . " Musicians from all over Kansas City would play for fun during these unplanned performances .

  9. 三种七声音阶之内涵、属性,完全取决于乐种、地域、风格、旋法表现以及内在听觉等音乐文化本质的东西,而非调式基因所能复制、组合。

    The connotations and properties of the three different types of Seven-tone scales are determined only by different music type , region , style , expression of melody and inner listening , etc , but never by the duplication or combination of Genes of Keys .

  10. 他们俩都热衷于室内乐。

    Both of them are nuts about chamber music .

  11. 她热衷于摇滚乐。

    She was addicted to rock music .

  12. 祷告对我而言是发现神美善的惊异之旅,又像啜饮于大喜乐之泉源。

    Prayer time can become for me a wonder of God 's goodness and a fountain of great joy .

  13. 谭氏不单是一名独奏家,她还热心于室乐演奏和合奏。

    Besides being a soloist , Amy is also an avid chamber musician and worked on Ensemble and Chamber Music intensively .

  14. 长笛这种富有独特音色魅力的乐器不但在管弦乐队中扮演着重要角色,同时也被广泛应用于室内乐演奏中。

    Flute is a kind of instruments with charming and wonderful sound which be used widely both in the orchestra music and the chamber music .

  15. 使用于比利时比佳乐GTM剑杆织机。

    Applicable for PICANOL GTM type rapier loom made in Belgium .

  16. 还有游走于主流流行乐边缘的半男半女黑人男性Le1f、Stromae和Shamir。

    Dancing on the fringes of mainstream pop are androgynous black men like Le1f , Stromae and Shamir .

  17. 那是纵情于声色之乐的赤道之夜。

    It was a sensuous , tropic night .

  18. 我已经习惯于受批评乐了。

    I am used to being criticized .

  19. 事实上,有非常充分的理由可以把沉湎于声色之乐的性看作是衰败和穷途末路的征象。

    In fact , it may very well be the sign of a crippled or impoverished sensuality .

  20. 源于美国的嘻哈乐也越来越受欢迎。

    Hip hop music from America is also getting more and more popular .

  21. 万众一心,于太古「港乐•星夜•交响曲」,齐创最大型口琴合奏健力士新世界纪录!

    Join thousands of others playing the harmonica with HKPO to break a Guinness World Records record at the Swire Symphony under the Stars !

  22. 游于艺,成于乐&孔子艺术审美标准论略

    Practise in Art , Succeed in Music & The Standards of Artistic Aesthetics of Confucius

  23. 趣或趣味是因人的好奇心为一定事物所激活而产生的快乐;儒家立于礼,成于乐,道家大美无言都十分注重精神在艺术形式中的超越。

    Confucianist standing in courtesy and Taoist success in delight shows they pay more attention to the transcendency of spirits in the artistic form .

  24. 将定尺弹簧改成标准弹簧.关闭盲孔.游于艺,成于乐&孔子艺术审美标准论略

    Replace length cut springs to std. springs . Close blind holes . Practise in Art , Succeed in Music & The Standards of Artistic Aesthetics of Confucius

  25. 但是,温庭筠执著于“诸行无常”的“生灭法”,始终无法臻于“寂灭为乐”的禅理的终极境界。

    But because of his persistence in the nirvana method of impermanence , he couldn 't come to the ultimate realm of Zen thought which takes nirvana for pleasure .