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  1. 文档一体化管理中秘书的角色定位

    On secretary ′ s role in integrated management of Archives

  2. 在会议中秘书的职责是干什么呢?

    What is a secretary 's duty for a conference ?

  3. 试论公文写作研究中秘书学的特殊视角

    A Special Perspective for the Study of Secretary in the Research of Official Document Writing

  4. 我不知道你能否告诉我在会议中秘书应该做些什么?

    I 'm wondering if you can tell me what a secretary should do for a meeting .

  5. 分化与整合:V市权力场域中的秘书群落

    Separation and Integration : the Secretary Clan in Power Field of V City

  6. 隔壁是校长的中英文秘书室。

    Next door is the principal secretary in English .

  7. 在现代企业中,秘书需要协调哪些方面的关系?

    In modern enterprises , the need to coordinate what the Secretary of the relationship ?

  8. 当前秘书学中对秘书概念解释的不明确,影响着这门学科的进展。

    In present secretarial study , there is no clear definition of " secretary " .

  9. 这些人中有秘书、商人和妇女,有军人和联邦政府工作人员,有父亲和母亲,还有朋友和邻居。

    Secretaries , businessmen and women , military and federal workers . Moms and dads . Friends and neighbors .

  10. 在现实的办公自动化中,秘书还是手持纸质文档在各个部门之间奔走,这样无形中是在降低工作的效率。

    In reality , the secretary or handheld paper documents between the various departments , it will is reduce work efficiency .

  11. 在审美过程中,秘书人员应注重自身的人格美、语言美、行为美和形象美。

    During the aesthetic process , secretary personnel should pay attention to their beauty of personality , language , action and beauty of form .

  12. 我国公司中的秘书仍然囿于传统的观念,其地位和职责远未法律化,抑制了其在公司治理中应有的作用。

    The secretary of a Chinese company is still restrained by the traditional concepts ; the law does not prescribe its status and duties .

  13. 近年来,在查处的高级领导干部腐败案件中,秘书腐败的问题越来越突出。

    In recent years , in the corruption cases involving senior leading cadres which have been dealt with , the problem of secretarial corruption is getting more and more serious .

  14. 学术界中历来对秘书概念和秘书学的分类有不同的观点。

    The academic circles have consistently held different views over the concept of secretaries and the classification of secretarial science .

  15. 我国法律对于董事会秘书的定位和期望与现实中董事会秘书所发挥的实际作用有着很大的差别,制度与现实的矛盾性,导致董事会秘书处于一个尴尬的地位。

    The position and expectation of the company secretary in the law of China have great discrepancies from the actual effect thereof . The contradictoriness between the system and the reality makes the company secretary in a dilemma .

  16. X所涉密信息网络整体安全方案设计及实施12.为便利委员会中的磋商,秘书处应准备一份涉及磋商计划各个方面的事实背景文件。

    12 . The Secretariat shall , with a view to facilitating the consultations in the Committee , prepare a factual background paper dealing with the different aspects of the plan for consultations .

  17. 到2012年为止,她是坦桑尼亚中非商会的秘书长。

    By 2012 she was secretary-general of theTanzania China Africa Business Council .

  18. 而实务中,董事会秘书制度的实施效果并不理想,存在各种各样的问题。

    But the effect of implementing is not ideal and there are some problems .

  19. 中美洲经济一体化秘书处

    Secretariat for Economic Integration for Central America

  20. 你会以为这么多失业的人中,优秀的秘书一定多的是。可是恰好一个也没有。

    You 'd think that with so many people unemployed , good secretaries would be ten a penny , but no.

  21. 参谋辅助是秘书工作的基本职能,但在现代领导活动中,无论是秘书还是领导者都未能对这一职能予以充分的认识。

    Though advice and assistance is the basic function of secretary 's work , neither secretary nor leader can completely realize the function in modern leading activities .

  22. 在关于刚果民主共和国的最新报告中,联合国秘书长潘基文警告说,刚果军队和警察需要为一大批侮辱人权事件负责——包括滥用武力,强暴,拷问和其他残忍的,非人道的,侮辱性的行为。

    In his latest report on the DRC , U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned that Congolese army and police elements are responsible for a large number of serious human rights abuses - including arbitrary executions , rape , torture and other cruel , inhuman or degrading treatment .

  23. 秘书擅权是中国传统行政中的一大弊病,本文中的秘书是一个泛指的行政职能现象,本文研究的是充任这一行政职能的秘书机构和人员的擅权现象。

    Secretary 's action without authorization is one of the corrupt practices in Chinese traditional public administration . Secretary in this paper means the general public administration function , and the action without authorization of the secretary institutions and personnel is the subject studied in this paper .

  24. 尤其在国际条约和准则的谈判中,确保在受成员国驱动的程序中,wipo秘书处不发挥核准或支持具体提议的作用。

    To ensure member-driven procedures in which the wipo 's Secretariat does not play a role by endorsing or supporting particular proposals , particularly in the negotiation of international treaties and norms .

  25. 这幅漫画中满是出色的人物形象,例如,第一格中惟妙惟肖的女秘书。

    This cartoon is studded with excellent caricatures , for instance , the wonderful executive secretary in the first frame .

  26. 在《围城》中看漫画&试析《围城》的人物肖像的描写这幅漫画中满是出色的人物形象,例如,第一格中惟妙惟肖的女秘书。

    Center looks at " the cartoon " in " Besieged city " & Tries analyzes " Besieged city " the character portrait description ; This cartoon is studded with excellent caricatures , for instance , the wonderful executive secretary in the first frame .