
  1. 因为中国缘允许你用固定电话,同时又不向你收取费用。

    Am I right ? China circl allows you to use fixed call and does not charge you .

  2. 中国近缘野生大麦的RAPD分析与进化途径探讨

    RAPD Analysis and the Probable Evolutionary Route of Wild Relatives of Barley from China

  3. 50年前,在世界其他地方对甲壳虫乐队(Beatles,又译披头士)陷入数十年的迷恋之时,这一历史上最轰动一时的音乐现象却与中国无缘。

    Fifty years ago , when the rest of the world fell into a decades-long frenzy over the Fab Four , one of the greatest sensations in music history left China untouched .

  4. 中国闽台缘博物馆屋面钢网架结构设计

    Structural Design of Latticed Steel-roofs In China Fujian-Taiwan Relationship Museum

  5. 中国冰缘区湿地及其环境效应与生态建设

    The Environmental Effect and Ecological Construction of the Regional Periglacial Wetlands in China

  6. 中国齿缘草属的研究

    A study of the genus Eritrichium from China

  7. 纪念中国冰缘地貌研究的启动者&裴文中教授

    Commemorating the pioneer scientist of periglacial Geomorphology Research in china : professor Pei Wenzhong

  8. 认为中国近缘野生大麦属于栽培大麦种内的不同亚种;作物野生近缘种的保护与利用

    It was considered that wild relatives of barley from China were subspecies of H.vulgare . Conservation and utilization of wild relatives of crops

  9. 作为全球增长最快的大型经济体,中国无缘本届世界杯,但所有人都想从中国银行业分得一杯羹。

    The world 's fastest growing major economy failed to qualify for the World Cup but everyone wants a slice of its banking action .

  10. 在下面的两张中国黄缘盒龟图片,注意它们的宽度,左边的母的更宽,右边的公的更窄。

    In the pictures below , note the larger tail of the male on the right and the smaller , shorter tail of the female on the left .

  11. 中国东南陆缘的深部结构与动力学过程

    Deep structure and its geodynamics in Southeast continental margin of China

  12. 中国东南陆缘大地水准面的确定

    Calculation of geoid in continental edge of South Eastern China

  13. 中国东南陆缘带及其邻近海域晚中生代、新生代的裂陷作用

    Meso-Cenozoic taphrogeny in the continental margin of Southeast China and adjacent seas

  14. 中国北方冰缘与分期

    Periglacial stages and their division in North China

  15. 中国东部陆缘中区第三纪构造-火山事件及其对含油气盆地的控制

    Tertiary TECTONIC-VOLCANIC events in the middle continental margin from eastern China and their control over oil-bearing basins

  16. 印支、燕山期活化区(地洼)阶段,在地幔活化激发下,中国东部陆缘形成幔&壳混源(同熔)系列花岗岩和相应的火山岩;

    In the Indosinian-Yanshanian activated region cycle , as a result of mantle activation , the syntexis series granitoids and related volcanic rocks of mantle plus crust mixed source have been formed , stretching along the east coast of China .

  17. 中国留学生何缘如此青睐美国高校?

    Why do so many now come to study in the US ?

  18. 1991之后十年,中国动画再无缘任何国际奖项,中国学派之说早已无人再提;

    In the 1990s , none of Chinese animations won any international awards .

  19. 中国大学为何无缘诺贝尔科学奖

    Why No Persons From Chinese Universities Won Nobel Prize

  20. 中国东北部陆缘成矿地质背景与有色金属贵金属成矿系统划分

    Geological background and metallogenic types of nonferrous and noble metal resources in the epicontinental lithosphere in Northeast China

  21. 由于已是职业选手,中国选手陈露无缘今天冬奥会。

    Having been a professional , Chinese athlete Chen Lu cannot participate in this year 's winter olympics .

  22. 无饰不成缘边&试论中国传统服饰中衣缘的装饰性特征

    Decoration is the Composition of the Edge of Clothes , Discussion of Decorative Features of Edge of Clothes in the Chinese Traditional Costumes

  23. 这些北北东向和北东向断层形成一条巨长的转换断层系列,也是中国大陆板块东缘与菲律宾洋块的一条边界。

    These NNE and NE faults become a long transform fault system and formed a boundary between the eastern margin of China Continental Plate and Philippine Sea Plate .