
  • 网络happy chinese
  1. 本文探究和剖析了《快乐汉语》情景剧中的中国特色文化。

    This paper discusses and analyzes the Chinese culture in the sitcom " Happy Chinese " .

  2. 因此,《快乐汉语》要加强对文化元素的引入比重。

    Therefore , the " Happy Chinese " should make the proportion of cultural elements a little higher .

  3. 《快乐汉语》以其时代感强、语言富有感染力、故事情节幽默有趣、人物个性十足、寓教于乐等特点而深受观众的喜爱。

    Audiences are deeply in love with " Happy Chinese ", for its strong sense of the times , impressive language , unique characters , humorous and interesting plot .

  4. 快乐学汉语轻松过周末!

    Learn Chinese the fun way and have a weekend of relaxation !

  5. 好,快乐学汉语,轻松又好记。

    All right , learn Chinese with joy and ease .

  6. 您看,快乐学汉语。

    Look ," Learn Chinese the fun way " .

  7. 跟我快乐学汉语。保您轻松又好记。

    Learn Chinese the fun way . It 's much easier to remember .

  8. 跟我快乐学汉语。

    Learn Chinese the fun way .

  9. 快乐学汉语,轻松过周末!我是快乐的韩佳。

    Learn Chinese the fun wayand spend a weekend of relaxation ! I am Merry Han jia .

  10. 快乐学汉语。

    Learn Chinese with fun .

  11. 泰国公立中学快乐学汉语教学模式构想及实验

    The Concept and Experiment of " Happy to Learn Chinese " Teaching Mode in Thai Public School

  12. 从今天开始,我们《快乐中国》将与您在美丽的伊犁快乐学汉语。

    Starting today , our program , Happy China , will be together with you to learn Chinese joyfully in the beautiful Ili Prefecture .