
  • 网络happy school
  1. 苏霍姆林斯基学前教育思想探析&基于快乐学校教育实践的思考

    Exploring В·А·Сухомлинский Thoughts on Pre-school Education : Based on the Education Practice of " Happy School "

  2. 快乐:学校所缺乏的科目

    Joy : A Subject Schools Lack

  3. 我确实希望这次能进入这所学校并享受快乐的学校生活

    I do hope I should be able to enter this school this time and enjoy a happy school life

  4. 落叶在十一月的阳光照射下撒在草地上,带给人们胜过水仙花的快乐。学校已经开学,空气中带着一丝清新。

    Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the School has started , and there 's newness in the air .

  5. 快乐体育是学校愉快教育的重要组成部分,它能有效地实现体育教学中感性形式和理性形式的有机统一;

    Merry physical education is an important component in merry school education . It can effectively realize the organic unity of the perceptual form and the rational form in physical teaching .

  6. 快乐和传统的学校体育碰撞问题

    Clashes between happy and traditional school sports

  7. 他在这儿很快乐,而且在学校表现很好。

    He seems to enjoy the time here , and is doing well in the school .

  8. 家长要告诉孩子每个时期他的责任与义务,让他明白自己的角色,教他体贴与理解的意义,懂得分享的快乐。社会和学校也要给孩子学习适应、培养人际交往和情商教育的机会,以补足家庭教育的短板。

    Society and schools should provide children chances to adapt and develop interpersonal communications and EQ education , so as to remedy the shortcomings of family education 。

  9. 大脑教育培训的一个重点就是要让教师们理解:一个快乐与否的学校文化对学生们大脑的影响是很重要的。

    One of the keys to learning stressed in the faculty training sessions was about a Happiness School culture and why it is important for the students'brains .

  10. 本文结合教学实例,阐述了体育教学中快乐的情绪对体育课的影响,提出快乐体育将是学校体育课的发展方向。

    This text combines the teaching instance , has explained the happy impact on physical education of mood in sports teaching , Propose that happy sports will be the developing direction of physical education of school .