
  1. H县农村中小学校布局调整的经验、问题与对策

    The Experiences , Problems and Solutions of Rural School Consolidation in H County

  2. 国外关于学校布局调整的研究及启示

    Studies on Adjusting School Distribution Abroad and its Enlightenment on China

  3. 农村学校布局调整的认识、底线与思路

    Research on Understanding , Bottom line and Thinking of Rural School Consolidation

  4. 美国乡村学校布局调整的历程及其对我国的启示

    The Course of Rural School Consolidation in USA and its Enlightenment to China

  5. 昆区学校布局结构相对不合理。

    Kun District school layout structure relative unreasonable .

  6. 武汉市普通中小学校布局规划探索

    Discussion on the Layout Planning of Wuhan City Ordinary Primary and Senior High Schools

  7. 农村义务教育阶段学校布局调整后的校产处理问题研究

    Research on Management of School Assets Which Shaped after School Consolidation in Rural Compulsory Education

  8. 适当调整学校布局。

    Adjust the distribution of schools properly .

  9. 但是,随着乡村学校布局调整的逐步展开,其出现的各种问题也日益凸显。

    However , with the rural school layout adjustment , its problems are also increasingly prominent .

  10. 合理调整学校布局结构,对于推动我国基础教育的均衡发展,有着举足轻重的作用。

    Rationalizing the distribution of schools plays an extremely important role in promoting the development of basic education in China .

  11. 农村学校布局调整朝向何处去?&兼谈农村学校存废之争

    Where will the layout adjustment of rural schools go ? & The dispute on keeping or combining the rural schools

  12. 从四个方面展开:第一,本研究有利于农村初中学校布局的合理规划。

    From four aspects : first , this study is benefit the reasonable planning the layout of rural junior high school .

  13. 因此,学校布局调整政策研究倘若缺乏对教师群体的研究,将是学校布局调整政策研究的一个重大缺憾。

    If lacks the content of the teacher group , it will be a great regret to school consolidation policy research .

  14. 通过对认同概念的辨析,从理论上分析了农民对学校布局调整的认同情况。

    Through the analysis of the identity concept , theoretically , I analyze the farmers ' identity of the adjustment of school layout .

  15. 2010年国务院下发《国家中长期教育改革与发展规划纲要(2010-2020)》,其中提出了合理规划学校布局,办好必要的教学点的基础教育发展规划要求。

    And National medium and long-term educational reform and development plan ( 2010-2020 ) required plan school layout reasonably , run the necessary teaching point .

  16. 学校布局调整作为一项重要的教育改革措施,影响着学生、家长、教师、社区等多方的切身利益。

    The school consolidation which is an important educational reform policy , closely related to students ', parents ', teachers ' and communities ' interest .

  17. 九五以来,全国各地以农村基础教育为重点,开展了大规模的学校布局调整工作。

    Since the " Ninth Five-Year ", Layout adjustment of school has large-scale Carried out all over the country , which focus on rural basic education .

  18. 通过收集相关文献资料、研究论文和报道等,对学校布局调整和乡村文化进行梳理。

    Through the collection of relevant literature , research papers and reports and so on , I sort out the school layout adjustment and rural culture .

  19. 同时,伴随着中小学学校布局的调整,很多农村学校由分散办学逐渐走上集中办学的道路。

    At the same time , along with the layout adjustment of the primary and secondary schools , many rural schools became concentrating schools instead of dispersion schools .

  20. 此外,在政策执行过程中的问题由于政策本身的价值取向以及政策实施中的价值取向等问题引发的农民对学校布局调整的认识的偏差,导致了农民的认同冲突。

    In addition , in the process of policy implementation , the deviation of the value orientation and the value orientation of the policy itself , which lead to conflicts .

  21. 随着农村义务教育学校布局调整和我国农村寄宿制学校建设工程实施,此问题日益凸显并引起广泛关注。

    With the layout adjustment of the rural compulsory school and the implementation of Rural Boarding School Construction Project , this problem has become increasingly prominent and attracted wide attention .

  22. 农村剩余劳动力转移、农民工随迁子女增加及农村人口出生率的下降,共同催生了农村义务教育学校布局调整。

    Rural compulsory schools layout ( RCSL ) needs to be readjusted to reply to the complex impact of surplus rural labors , increasing migrant workers ' children and declining birth rates .

  23. 第四,调整学校布局,构建标准化学校体系,提高教师队伍的整体素质,充分利用和优化现有教师资源。

    To adjust the school layout , set up standardization school system , improve the overall quality of teachers , and make full use of and optimize the resources of existing teachers .

  24. 分析了学校布局调整的因素,并且就学校的服务人口及服务区域运用中心地学说理论作了一些分析,就学校规模提出个人看法。

    Besides , the writer explains in the essay some factors that influence the adjustment to the distribution of schools and makes some theoretical analyses of the " population and zone to serve " of schools .

  25. 随着学校布局调整工作的深入推进,一些教育专家学者开始了对中小学布局调整的相关理论研究工作,研究的成果也较多。

    With the depth adjustment of the layout of the school , some education experts and scholars began to adjust the layout of relevant theories of primary and secondary research , and the studied the results are great quantity .

  26. 第三部分是在访谈的基础上,描述了当前学校布局调整中,利益受损群体其利益缺损的种种表现;第四部分深入剖析了对学校布局调整中利益受损群体进行补偿的必要性。

    The third part is based on the basis of interviews , described what the losses are the disadvantaged groups in the current school consolidation . The fourth part analysis of the necessity of compensation for the disadvantaged groups of school consolidation .

  27. 本文以对湖北农村贫困地区、山区义务教育发展现状的调查为基础,对新一轮学校布局调整后的农村寄宿制学校建设问题进行了探讨。

    Based on the investigation of development situation of the compulsory education in poor , mountainous rural areas in Hubei province , the paper explores the problems in the construction of the rural boarding schools after the new round of restructuring the distribution of schools .

  28. 通过分析笔者认为,办学理念落后、教育投入短缺、学校布局不合理、资源配置不均、质量效益低、生源流失严重等问题是当前内蒙古地区民族基础教育滞后发展的主要原因。

    The author believes that the main reasons for falling behind are the backward ideas for running a school , the shortage of education investment , the irrational school layout , the unequal resources distribution , the lower quality effect , the loss of students , and etc.

  29. 合理调整中小学学校布局结构,是优化教育资源配置,深化基础教育改革的关键,也是新课程改革背景下推进素质教育的重要环节。

    Reasonable adjustments to the layout structure of primary and secondary schools , is to optimize the allocation of educational resources , the key to deepening the reform of basic education , but also the context of the new curriculum reform , an important part of promoting quality education .

  30. 2003年11月,山西省教育委员会撤销了中师建制,要求中师由三级师范向二级师范过渡,其目的是调整师范学校的布局结构,以适应发展。

    Shan Xi Education Committee called off normal school system in November , 2003 and demanded normal school to transform from third class to secondary one .