
  • 网络librarian;Subject Librarian
  1. 本论文在回顾学科馆员制度的发展历史,对具有代表性的Dickinson等人的观点进行分析的基础上,较为深入地探讨了网络时代学科馆员制度存在的必要性和可行性。

    The paper reviews the history of the subject librarian , refutes the Dickinson 's viewpoints and discusses the need of the subject librarian under the digital environment .

  2. 医院图书馆建立学科馆员制度的探讨

    Probe into Establishing the System of Subject Librarian in Hospital Library

  3. 介绍Agent智能代理的概念和学科馆员库、问题资源库的结构。

    It introduces the concept of the intelligent surrogate Agent and the structure of the subject librarians stock and the question resource stock .

  4. 基于Blog和RSS技术的学科馆员知识服务

    Subject Librarians ' Knowledge Service Based on Blog and RSS

  5. 学科馆员科研信息服务SWOT分析与发展策略研究

    SWOT Analysis of Scientific Research Information Service of Subject Librarian and Developing Devices Research

  6. 美国Towson大学学科馆员&教师合作的大学生信息能力培养模式

    Case Analysis of Undergraduate Information Competence Cultivation Mode Based on Subject Librarian-Faculty Collaboration & Take the Towson University as Example

  7. 高校图书馆;学科馆员;素质;服务模式。

    University libraries ; Subject librarians ; Diathesis ; Service pattern .

  8. 学科馆员服务绩效评价指标体系的探讨

    Discussion on the Performance Evaluation Indicators System of the Subject Librarians

  9. 我国学科馆员研究文献的分析与思考

    Analysis and Thinking of Research Literatures of Subject Librarian in China

  10. 国家农业图书馆学科馆员服务的思考一家便宜的汽车旅馆

    Consideration on Services of Subject Librarian in the National Agricultural Library

  11. 论学科馆员馆际协作联合保障服务机制

    On Joint Guarantee Service Mechanism of Subject Librarian in Library Cooperation

  12. 谈建立和完善高校图书馆学科馆员制度

    On the Establishment and Improvement of Disciplinary Librarian System in University

  13. 基于学科馆员制度的学科知识服务研究

    The study of subject knowledge services based on subject librarian system

  14. 学科馆员在图书馆个性化服务中的新角色

    The New Role of the Liaison Librarian in Library 's Individualized Service

  15. 实行学科馆员制度深化文献信息服务

    Setting up the Subject Librarian System and Deepening the Documentary Information Service

  16. 浅析建立学科馆员制度的必要性

    Discussion on the Necessity of Setting up " Discipline Librarians " System

  17. 高校图书馆学科馆员的定位及其考绩模型

    The Positioning and Performance Evaluating Model of Subject Librarian in University Library

  18. 高校图书馆如何造就合格的学科馆员

    How to Bring up Qualified Subject Librarian for College Library

  19. 高校图书馆学科馆员的角色定位与工作职责探析

    Analysis of the role and responsibility of the subject librarian in university

  20. 学科馆员的素质要求及工作职责

    The Functions , Qualities and Responsibilities of the Subject Librarian

  21. 高校图书馆学科馆员知识服务策略研究

    Research on the Knowledge Service Strategy of Subject Librarians in University Library

  22. 对学科馆员工作职责和发展定位的思考

    Thoughts on the Responsibilities and Development Niches of Subject Librarians

  23. 学科馆员&图书馆员的新追求

    To Be a Subject Librarian : the New Seeking of the Librarian

  24. 学科馆员+教师协同互动合作研究

    Study on Collaboration and Interaction of " Subject Librarian + Faculty "

  25. 高校学科馆员服务质量评价体系研究与应用

    A Study and Application Quality Evaluation of Subject Librarian in University Libraries

  26. 试论建立分层次服务的学科馆员制度

    Discussion on the Establishment of Subject Librarians System Based on Hierarchical Service

  27. 新信息环境下学科馆员与高校重点学科服务

    Subject Librarian and the University Key Subject Service under New Information Environment

  28. 高校图书馆学科馆员网上服务调查与建设研究

    Study on the On-line Services of Subject Librarians in the University Libraries

  29. 论高校图书馆学科馆员服务评价体系构建

    On the Service Evaluation System Construction of Subject Librarian in Academic Library

  30. 学科馆员服务中的用户沟通问题研究

    On the Information Communication between the Subject-Librarian and the Subject-User