
  • 网络Learning and research
  1. 在教学方面,要素学校主张以学生为主体,强调学生的自主学习与研究能力的培养,教师引导与辅助学生的学习。

    In the teaching area , essential schools advocates students ' independent learning and research ability . Teachers assist students to learn well .

  2. 对于学习绘画的学者来说,对绘画语言的学习与研究是非常重要的。

    To learn drawing scholars for the painting language learning and research is very important .

  3. 对Autodesk官方提供的.NETAPI进行了的选择性的学习与研究,封装了AutoCAD的基本命令功能,为系统开发提供了软件工具包。

    After studying about . NET API provided by the Autodesk official selectivity , I pack the elementary AutoCAD command , which provide the software utility package for the development . 3 .

  4. 重点介绍了现代景观的分类,便于学习与研究。

    The author introduced classification of modern landscape for study .

  5. 其中有关体育的思想正是我们要学习与研究的对象。

    And those physical thinking is what we should learn and study .

  6. 摩托车油耗试验新国家标准学习与研究

    A Study of the New National Standard on Motorcycle Fuel Consumption Test

  7. 如何培养学生的学习与研究能力

    How to Train Students the Ability of Learning and Study

  8. 高等艺术院校教师教育理论学习与研究现状之分析

    Research of Educational Theories among College Art Teachers : A Status Quo Analysis

  9. 数学教育文献的学习与研究&兼谈研究生的文献阅读课

    How to Study the Literatures of Mathematics Education

  10. 服务学习与研究性学习比较及其对区域高校实践教学的启示

    A Comparison of Service and Research Learning and its Significance for Regional Colleges ' Education Practice

  11. 在语言的学习与研究中,客观世界本身就存在着各种相反、相对的现象和关系。

    In the language learning , there exist various relative phenomena and opposite relationships in the objective world .

  12. 在这样的基础上,本人在写作论文的过程中通过学习与研究不断地丰富了自己的知识,修正了自己的观点,并完成了这篇论文。

    Based on these , I enrich my knowledge and amend my view when I write this paper .

  13. 准确掌握满语语气词的语义及用法对满语文的学习与研究具有重要意义。

    Grasping the meaning and usage of mood words from Manchu is of great significance to Manchu studies .

  14. 站在巨人们的肩上攀登&《中国传统音乐180调谱例集》学习与研究

    Advancing on the Shoulders of Giants - A Study to Scores for 180 Modes of Chinese Traditional Music

  15. 同时也阐述了对于学习与研究文学艺术理论中的领导作用。

    At the same time the leadership of the study and research in the theory of literature and art .

  16. 同时,对国外专科护士制度的学习与研究,可促进我国护理专业的纵深发展。

    And studies on the foreign clinical nurse specialist system can facilitate the development of nursing speciality in our country .

  17. 研讨式教学的实施程序包括准备阶段、学习与研究阶段、研究成果展示阶段、评价与总结阶段这四个步骤。

    The procedure involves four steps : preparative step study and research step revelation of the research production step and evaluate step .

  18. 本文对形式概念中的粒计算进行了学习与研究,主要内容如下:同余关系粒空间及其层次。

    This paper researches on the granules of formal concept . Main contents were as follow : Congruence granule space and its hierarchy .

  19. 这些成果和经验主要表现为学习与研究、实验与运用、创造性转化等三种主要形式。

    These achievements and experience mainly have three forms , including " study and research "," experiment and use "," creative transformation " .

  20. 对于它的学习与研究,理论界更多的是关注其传授知识的层面,而对其给以受教育者思想道德影响的层面却少有探究。

    However , theoretical field gives more attention to the knowledge it expressed rather than its impact upon the ideology and morals of the being-educated .

  21. 以学习与研究为主要特征的研究型教学模式,能够有效地促进理论学习、实践、学位论文之间的融合。

    The research-oriented teaching pattern mainly characteristic of learning and studies can effectively promote the combination of theoretical learning , practice , and theses for a degree .

  22. 这对我们探索社会文化对语言的影响,对英语学习与研究都是有一定帮助的。

    This can have influence on our probing into the relationship between social culture and language , and also give certain help to English learning and study .

  23. 笔者通过对新课程标准的深入学习与研究,阐明了初中生作文系统性的目的与意义。

    Through in-depth study and exploration on the new curriculum standard , the writer expounds the meaning and purpose of writing system of junior middle school students .

  24. 在这个问题上,曾景祥先生的认识是深刻的,在诗文词曲上作过认真的学习与研究,且具有相当的功力。

    In this issue , Ceng Jingxiang 's knowledge is profound , in poetic lyrics had made a serious study and research , and has considerable skill .

  25. 通过学习与研究现有能够求解有时间窗物流配送路径优化问题的多种算法,比较它们之间的优点和缺点。

    By studying and researching current multiple algorithms of optimizing of physical distribution routing problem with time windows , we compare their advantages and disadvantages with each other .

  26. 关于学校的流行看法是它们是“象牙塔”,后事学习与研究同“真实世界”相分离的地方。

    A popular criticism of schools is that they are " ivory towers ," or places where study and research are divorced from the " real world " .

  27. 当然,由于时间和水平的限制,笔者对相关问题的学习与研究尚有待进一步深化。

    Of course , due to time constraints and the level , and the author of the study related issues and research has yet to be further deepened .

  28. 通过对最新健美操竞赛规则、健美操竞赛规则裁判法的学习与研究,结合训练经验,提出一己之见。

    Through the research on the new rules of aerobic competition , combined the experience of training , the writer points out the development of aerobics in colleges and universities .

  29. 本文综合应用图像处理技术、模式识别、人工神经网络等方法,对这三大技术进行深入学习与研究,提出了有效的改进方法,并利用VC++6.0平台,编程实现了车牌识别系统。

    This article used image processing and artificial neural network technologies , proposed effective improvements , and used VC + + 6.0 platform programming of the license plat recognition system .

  30. 通过对其学习与研究,可以提高演唱者将音乐与诗相结合的审美取向,对歌曲中情感的理解更加细致、精准。

    According to the study and research , Can improve the singer will music and poetry , the combination of aesthetic orientation of songs emotional understanding more meticulous and precise .